Chapter 71: Hidden Effects Of Space-Time Talent

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After venting, Bunta glared at Minato and denied again, "How is that possible?! With the small amount of Chakra in his body, it's impossible for him to Summon me!"

Katsuyu also bent down slightly, being more sensitive. She could perceive that the one summoning herself was this boy with hair color that seemed pleasing to the eye.

"You are really amazing, huh? But it seems like there isn't that much Chakra in your body either."

Tatsuma and Minato glanced at each other, somewhat confused. It was Tsunade who encouraged them to boldly use Chakra just now, and they didn't expect that using the Summoning Jutsu could have almost crushed themselves.

As for what Bunta and Katsuyu said about their Chakra not being enough to summon them, Tatsuma and Minato were also unaware.

At this moment, Mito, who was still sitting steadily, speculated, "This old one probably understands the reason. In the early years, Tobirama also had similar speculations.

The so-called Summoning Jutsu is essentially a creation to compensate for the fact that most ninjas do not possess Space-Time talent. The techniques created, including sealing scrolls, are all aimed at addressing this deficiency.

However, his speculation did not receive confirmation because, before Tobirama, almost no one had provided a standardized definition for Space-Time talent and Ninjutsu. That was merely his speculation.

But now it seems that perhaps both of you possess the Space-Time talent mentioned by Tobirama. Therefore, when you use the Summoning Jutsu, it's like irrigating in the rain. The Chakra you expend is like the water used for irrigation, but your Space-Time talent is like the rain. You don't need to expend Chakra like ordinary people, yet you can achieve better Summoning results."

Mito's speculation made the individuals, along with the two Summoning beasts, start pondering. Mito's explanation seemed reasonable, although such a concept had never been heard before.

Tsunade furrowed her brows and said, "So, according to Granduncle's idea, does that mean in the future, they can summon Summoning beasts without relying on the Summoning Jutsu?"

"Who knows? Tobirama, throughout his entire life, couldn't achieve this. After all, there are too few jutsu in this ninja world related to Space-Time. Strictly speaking, if we adhere to Tobirama's definition of Space-Time Ninjutsu, the only jutsu in the ninja world that can be called Space-Time Ninjutsu are the Flying Thunder God Jutsu he developed and the Heavenly Transfer Jutsu of the Hidden Cloud Village.

Of course, his definition is too strict. In my opinion, both the Summoning Jutsu and the Sealing Jutsu contain knowledge related to Space-Time, but no one has refined and organized it."

Mito waved her hand, stopping herself in time, as the conversation was veering off today's main topic. She quickly brought the topic back, saying:

"But I haven't studied Tobirama's techniques, and I haven't had much contact with the three major sacred places. You two, as sensei, should go and ask when you have time, see if the sages of the sacred places know the reason. For now, let me introduce the two of you."

As she spoke, Mito stood up from her seat. Bunta, who originally had a confident expression, had his pipe shake suddenly, and he involuntarily took a half step back.

He didn't know why, but he was definitely flustered.

Mito raised her hand and pressed down, like soothing a child, calming Bunta's emotions. The arrogance on his face subsided a lot.

Seeing Bunta's relaxed attitude, Mito then pointed to Minato and said, "This is Minato Namikaze, Jiraiya's disciple, a very good young man. If he needs your help in the future, I hope you can sincerely land him a hand. I'm counting on you."

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