Chapter 177: Shameless Hokage

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"Indeed worthy of Hokage-sama, the news has just arrived, and there is already a strategy in place!"

"Yes, I was wondering with my limited intelligence, what help could I possibly provide here? So, Hokage-sama didn't intend for me to come up with strategies."

"Haha, your Inuzuka clan has an extra brain compared to the rest of us; you should definitely think more."

Inside the meeting room, a group of Jonin now wore relieved smiles. They had thought they were summoned today to devise a solution to Hanzo's problem.

Normally, in such meetings, if they didn't come up with good solutions, even the usually amiable Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, would become visibly agitated. And if they proposed foolish ideas, Sarutobi Hiruzen would greet them with anger. It could be said that these were the meetings they least wanted to attend.

However, as they nervously entered the meeting room, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression was not as grim as they had imagined. In fact, he wore a confident smile as if he had everything under control.

Once the meeting began and Shikato clarified the agenda and direction, Sarutobi Hiruzen started his "performance."

In no time, he had analyzed the entire situation, presented various interests at play, and even outlined a three-step solution, albeit in broad strokes. Yet sometimes, all that's lacking is a general direction.

Details can always be negotiated, but without a clear overarching direction, subsequent arrangements would be futile.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of the village's Jonin, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't suppress the corners of his mouth from lifting, and the wrinkles around his eyes deepened a bit due to the muscles involved in smiling.

Only Danzo remained, looking coldly at his old friend.

Since the last defeat in battle, Danzo had been absent for too long. This time, Sarutobi Hiruzen had hinted to him that he was only to make an appearance and refrain from speaking.

It was a gradual process for the villagers to adapt to Danzo's return, and initially, Danzo had no objections.

But watching Sarutobi Hiruzen confidently discussing Tatsuma's ideas in front of others made him feel stifled!

If only he had brought Tatsuma into his Root earlier, perhaps today it would be Shimura Danzo who would be receiving everyone's admiration and applause.

Even the previous defeat could have been avoided if Tatsuma had been promptly brought into his fold, enabling him to foresee and prevent the humiliating defeat that not only tarnished his reputation but also made Sarutobi Hiruzen accuse him of betraying his sensei.

Danzo no longer looked at this old friend who made him extremely uncomfortable. He tilted his head slightly and glanced at Tatsuma sitting behind Shikato, sorting out the meeting notes.

Seeing no hint of dissatisfaction on Tatsuma's face only increased Danzo's admiration. A true ninja should have the resolve to hide in the darkness; even without flowers and applause, they should still uphold the ninja way!

Who says only those standing in the light are heroes?!

Tatsuma wasn't truly indifferent to efforts without rewards; he just... knew he was taking shortcuts.

He approached problem-solving with answers in hand. While he had many of his own ideas, he wouldn't dare to assert his approach was correct without knowing the answer.

The solution he provided was merely the general direction for this operation. Even without his involvement, Konoha would have eventually settled on a plan through ongoing discussions and collisions of ideas.

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