Chapter 179: Mito's Intentions

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"Tatsuma, do you know what a Tailed Beast is?"

In the study, Mito asked Tatsuma. Tatsuma nodded, and seeing this, Mito continued, "According to legend, with the birth of Chakra, nine Tailed Beasts also came into existence in this world.

A thousand years ago, in that desolate age, humans had no interaction with the Tailed Beasts. But as humans began to expand and explore, conflicts between humans and Tailed Beasts emerged.

Humans and Tailed Beasts fought continuously for hundreds of years. Time and again, the Tailed Beasts proved their strength to humans, and in every era, countless fearless warriors challenged the Tailed Beasts.

Some sought fame, some desired the power of the Tailed Beasts, and some even wanted to enslave the Tailed Beasts for their own purposes."

Mito paused here, looked at Tatsuma, and asked, "You should know who founded this village, right?"

"Senju Hashirama-sama."

Tatsuma gave the standard answer for Konoha. Mito nodded, then shook her head, and said, "There was another person at that time, named Uchiha Madara, the strongest ninja to ever come from the Uchiha Clan.

He and my husband together founded this village. But later, their friendship broke down, and Uchiha Madara left the village. Eventually, he came back with the strongest Tailed Beast—the Nine-Tails.

Uchiha Madara failed. He died in a great battle with his best friend, leaving behind the rampaging Nine-Tails.

Unlike Uchiha Madara, who saw the Tailed Beasts as slaves and pets, my husband proposed the idea of coexistence between humans and Tailed Beasts. He scoured ancient texts and consulted everyone who had ever interacted with a Tailed Beast.

He even communicated face-to-face with the Tailed Beasts and finally found a method— The Jinchuriki—to seal the Tailed Beasts within human bodies."

Mito paused, placing her hands gently on her lap, and lightly pressed her abdomen, as if soothing a baby.

Then, Mito looked back at Tatsuma and asked, "Do you know who the Nine-Tails' Jinchuriki is?"

Tatsuma did not answer, merely looking at Mito. Mito nodded and said, "Perhaps you have already guessed it, ever since you used that power.

I am the Nine-Tails' Jinchuriki, the first Nine-Tails' Jinchuriki, and the first Tailed Beast Jinchuriki."

Of course, Tatsuma could not reveal that he had known this from a past life, so he just waited for Mito to continue. Mito shook her head and said, "But I have not lived in harmony with the Nine-Tails.

Controlled by Uchiha Madara and then sealed by my husband, the Nine-Tails, which was eventually transferred to me, could not communicate with me. This is one aspect.

On the other hand, I have also resisted the Nine-Tails. The Nine-Tails did not want to communicate with me, and I never tried to connect with it sincerely. Over the years, I have merely used my power to suppress it, preventing it from causing trouble."

During this conversation, Mito spoke in a very personal tone. She even reverted to referring to herself as "I," dropping her usual dignified demeanor. She expressed her worries and sighed openly.

Faced with this side of Mito, Tatsuma did not know how to respond and could only listen quietly.

After a moment of silence, Mito spoke again, "I cannot live forever. In fact, I might have less than four years left. Beyond that, I won't be able to maintain the seal on the Nine-Tails within me.

For the sake of the village and the ninja world, there must be a second Jinchuriki. But I am afraid.

I am afraid the next Nine-Tails' Jinchuriki will not be able to suppress its power, and even more so, I fear the next Jinchuriki will follow my path—spending their life battling the Tailed Beast without ever opening their hearts to each other.

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