Chapter 168: Don't Stupidly Go For Direct Interviews

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Tatsuma reached out towards the bookshelf, only to grab emptiness. His heart skipped a beat, suddenly feeling as if he were experiencing the premonition of a sudden death.

He turned his head towards the bookshelf, where there were no scrolls left. Over a dozen scrolls, now either on the desk or scattered on the floor, with the one currently unfolded being the last one.

"Damn Uchiha!"

Tatsuma blurted out suddenly, realizing something was amiss. He slapped his forehead, wondering how he managed to bring out Senju Tobirama's familiar phrase from his notes.

"Tatsuma, are you up so early too? You truly deserve to be recognized as full of youth by Brother Duy!"

At this moment, a verdant figure suddenly appeared by the window next to the desk. With a spring-like smile, Nawaki suddenly appeared. Seeing Nawaki, Tatsuma hurriedly asked:

"Nawaki, are there any more scrolls?"

"There are plenty in the study, aren't there?"

"No, I mean... forget it."

Tatsuma shook his head. He had already guessed why there were so many scrolls missing from the bookshelf. Those were probably research notes for Space-Time class Body Flicker Jutsu—the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Different from the research content of Summoning Jutsu, those belonged to the category of forbidden techniques. Although the complete Flying Thunder God Jutsu should be recorded on forbidden scrolls, the research notes also needed to be strictly guarded and preserved.

It was impossible to find them here, nor would they be in the study. Although Tatsuma hadn't finished reading all the scrolls in the study, he had organized and reclassified their contents.

Running his fingers through his already somewhat messy hair due to its curls, Tatsuma sighed. Seeing this, Nawaki asked, "What scrolls do you need? I'll go ask Granny to see if she has any."

Tatsuma shook his head and said, "No need, I'll tidy up first. If I need anything, I'll come ask."

Nawaki didn't dwell on it and asked, "Want to train together in the morning?"


Tatsuma ran his hand through his hair again. His mind was full of Tobirama's notes on Summoning beasts and Space-Time, along with "Damn Uchiha." He wasn't in the mood for morning training. Tatsuma shook his head again and said, "No, I have other things to do."

"Alright! Even without sweating it out, you're already recognized as full of youth! Practice your youth in other matters!"

With that, Nawaki ran back home. He had come specifically to find Tatsuma, but since Tatsuma declined, he went back to his training.

Tatsuma then picked up the scrolls and headed towards the study. However, seeing the study filled with scrolls with no empty space, he turned back and went to get a large amount of ink and blank paper.

Over the following time, Tatsuma continuously transcribed what he had seen from Senju Tobirama's notes last night, excluding Tobirama's "personal enemity" and any confirmed erroneous content, of course. Listing out key information point by point, Tatsuma resumed his analysis and incorporated many of his own insights. Soon, a stack of blank paper was filled.

However, Tatsuma's mind was still highly active at this point, unwilling to cease thinking. So, he directly took up his pen and began writing on the walls and floor.

Fortunately, the furniture had been moved out, leaving large "canvases" for Tatsuma to freely jot down his thoughts.

After daybreak, Tsunade, who was to attend the Jonin meeting, returned home and glanced at what was happening, only to find her disciple completely disregarding her. Suppressing the urge to go in and give him a good thrashing, Tsunade proceeded to the Hokage Building.

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