Chapter 20: The Deconstruction Learning Method of Ninjutsu

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Minato's creation, the Rasengan, stands as an A-rank attributeless Ninjutsu with a unique twist. According to its inventor, the Rasengan is inherently incomplete, leaving room for improvement through the incorporation of other Chakra Nature Transformations.

Naruto Uzumaki, the prophesied child of the ninja world and the Seventh Hokage, has proven this notion beyond doubt. Displaying a myriad of Rasengan variations, to the point that he has surpassed the options available in variations for dango in the village, showcasing the versatility and adaptability of this formidable Ninjutsu.

Furthermore, Minato's insights reveal that the Rasengan serves as an exemplary model for deconstructing the learning process of Ninjutsu.

Exploring the Rasengan involves navigating through three distinctive stages—popping a regular balloon, bursting a water-filled balloon, and finally, breaking through a leather balloon. These stages serve as valuable aids in Rasengan practice, gradually reducing the complexity of learning.

Moreover, Rasengan itself represents a stepwise advancement in training. Once Rasengan is mastered as a shape-changing Ninjutsu, practitioners can delve into the intricacies of Chakra Nature Transformation. The fusion of these skills gives rise to the creation of an entirely new Ninjutsu.

With the meal now served, Tatsuma settled into his seat. However, the anticipation hung in the air, and neither of them was in a hurry to commence their meal. Excitement laced Tatsuma's exclamation, "In fact, these two Ninjutsu can be broken down into several stages."

"The initial phase revolves around infusing Chakra into individual hair strands, a direct test of one's Chakra control prowess. To elevate this stage, we can integrate the tree-climbing and water-walking exercises I mentioned earlier, providing an additional challenge to further refine Chakra mastery."

Minato nodded in agreement and injected a touch of enthusiasm, "Moving on to the second stage, it entails activating Chakra throughout the entire body. Channeling Chakra to stimulate the scalp and hair follicles results in rapid hair growth under its influence.

This principle aligns seamlessly with Atoma-sensei's teachings—much like applying Chakra to muscles for muscle activation, swiftly enhancing muscle fiber elasticity and hardness, thereby fortifying defense or explosive power."

Tatsuma smoothly pressed on, "Moving into the third stage, we delve into the transformation of Chakra's form, allowing both Chakra and hair to adopt characteristics akin to the hardness of Senbon needles or the flexibility of whips.

While I haven't devised a specific practice method for this aspect yet, we can leverage the meticulous Chakra control honed in the first stage to alleviate the complexities associated with mastering form transformations in the future."

"Onto the fourth stage, where we seamlessly integrate the first three stages, harmonizing them with hand seals to bring the Ninjutsu to fruition. It's only in the fifth stage that we apply Ninjutsu in tactical exercises," he concluded.

Amidst their conversation, the intricacies of the Needle Jizo and Wild Lion's Mane Jutsus were meticulously dissected. The once elusive Ninjutsu, now unraveling, prompted Tatsuma to express his awe:

"Truly remarkable, Minato. Your ingenuity in devising such a learning method for Ninjutsu is impressive."

Minato humbly deflected the praise, "No, the credit belongs to you. If you hadn't introduced the idea that Chakra control could be honed through tree-climbing and water-walking, I wouldn't have been able to figure this out."

Amidst the mutual commendation exchanged in their dialogue, even though Tatsuma wasn't seeking a formal reward, the joy he derived from the discussion was palpable.

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