Chapter 28

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Riley's POV

I look at the guards who are in front of me, and I wonder how I managed to get in trouble again.

Trevor, Gabriel and I decided to hang out, and we were walking around the clearing.

Then I pushed Trevor slightly when he started to annoy me, but I didn't know that there was a tree on the other side of him.

When Trevor hit the tree, it started to fall, and it nearly hit the group of friends who were sitting a few feet away from out path.

I have no idea how that happened, but I guess that something was wrong with that tree.

Trevor's alright, so I'm sure that he didn't hit it that hard, although the fallen tree shows something else.

The guards quickly came here, because apparently they assumed that I was trying to kill someone, and now they're leading me towards the pack house.

Trevor and Gabriel had to come with us too, along with the few people who we almost killed.

Before we reach the pack house, I can see that Valen and Nathan are walking towards us with a frown.

"What have you done this time?" Nathan asks me and Valentin rolls his eyes, before he lightly hits Nathan's shoulder.

"I almost killed someone." I say with a shrug. "Not intentionally." I tell them, when Valentin glares at me.

They go toward the pack house with us, and Denver decided to talk with the group of friends first, before he tells Trevor, Gabriel and me to go inside of his office.

We quickly explain what happened, and we answer a few of his questions, before Denver allows us to go back to our houses.

"How was your day?" I ask them when we sit in the living room.

"It was alright." Valentin tells me, but he doesn't sound very happy, so I look at Nathan who chuckles.

"He forced me to teach him how to use a gun, and then he got annoyed when he couldn't aim good enough to hit the target." He tells me, and I just shake my head with an amused smile.

"You just have to practice a bit more." I tell him, and he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever." He tells me. "And how was your day? I saw that you were with my brothers." Valentin says.

"Yeah, we were hanging out, because I got bored and they wanted to hang out." I say with a shrug.

To be honest, it seems that Valen doesn't mind that I'm hanging out with his brothers.

Which is good, because I promised them that I will bring Valentin with me the next time that we will hang out, as long as he will be able to go.

"Just don't go with them to my parents' house, I don't want you to be there.

If you want to go inside, then either come here, or go to the pack house." He tells me, and I nod slightly.

I already know that I shouldn't go there, and I already had to tell Trevor that I don't want to go there, because he invited me to their house not long ago.

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