Chapter 37

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Nathan's POV

I quickly help him stand up, and I look at the ground to see what hurt him.

I can see a few plants, which are growing near the tree that Riley was sitting against, but I really doubt that they could hurt him this much.

I touch them with my feet, and when I push them to the ground, I can see that something's laying on the ground.

"I think that it's a broken glass, or something." I say, although I'm not very sure of that.

"Let's take a bit of this, so the doctor can see it." Val says, and I nod, before I take a few pieces with a leaf.

Val and I start to walk in the same direction that we came from, and Riley reluctantly follows us.

When we reach the pack house, we walk towards the pack hospital, and we're instantly greeted by the doctor.

He looks at Riley's hands right away, most likely already smelling the blood.

Riley goes with him into one of the rooms, while Val and I decide to stay in the corridor.

Not much later, the doctor comes out, and he tells us that Riley will be fine, but he will be in pain when he will move his hands until the wounds will heal.

It takes a few more minutes, but soon the doctor is done with Riley, and we can to go back to the house.

When we walk out of the pack house, we pass Peter who's on his way here, and I look at him with a frown.

"You said that you were going to the pack house, and it was about half an hour ago." I say, and he shrugs.

"I'm here now." He tells me, and I roll my eyes, before I let him walk past me.

At least he looks happy now, so I decide to not make him sad again.

After all, I can't say that I never skipped the school, so it's not a very big deal.

Val and Riley decide to not say anything, and we continue to walk in silence.

When we reach the house, I make something to eat for all of us, and I bring it to the dining room, so we can eat.

Both of them are already sitting at the table, and they seem to be talking about something.

I can see that Riley's a bit uncomfortable, although I guess that it's because he's in pain.

He's lucky that he doesn't have to go to school, because I really doubt that he would manage to do anything there.

We start to eat, and it take just a few seconds before Riley groans.

I chuckle slightly, because I expected him to do that, and he glares at me, before he turns that glare to his hand, which is most likely hurting.

"How should I eat with this?" He asks us and I shrug.

"Just eat it with your mouth, you don't need your hands to eat." I say with a shrug, and Val hits me on the back of my head, before he takes Riley's fork and he starts to feed him.

I just shake my head in amusement, and I continue to eat my food.

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