He Surprises You For Your Birthday (Luke)

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​You wake up to the sound of your bedroom door creaking open and the faint smell of breakfast food. You're too tired still to open your eyes, so you listen instead to what you are soon to discover is going on, at what feels like an ungodly hour of the morning.

Your floor squeaks and the next thing you hear is your boyfriend's melodious voice saying, "Happy Birthday, Y/N." You finally open your eyes to see Luke giving you a warm smile, holding a tray of food and drink.

"Aw, baby you didn't have to give me breakfast in bed!" you say sitting up.

"I know, but you're my girlfriend and I want to treat you well. Especially on your birthday." he says setting the tray in front of you. It has all of your favorite breakfast foods and drinks. Only a few months into your relationship and he already knows you fairly well.​

"Once you're done eating I have a little something planned for you." Luke says as you stuff your face with pancakes.

"What?" you ask muffled, seeing as your mouth is full of buttermilk fluff. Luke chuckles, he finds it cute rather than gross when you talk while eating.

"You'll find out, but I know you'll love it." he says. You give him a fake glare and he let's you finish eating while he gets ready to take you to your birthday surprise.


Luke has taken you all over town to all of your favorite places: the amusement park, the movie theater, the mini golf course, your favorite pizza place, and everywhere in between. Your 18th has been the best birthday you've had so far, all thanks to him.

Now, you're walking down the street hand in hand and the sun is going to be setting soon. You can't imagine how the day could get better, until it does.

"One last thing, babe. This day has actually been leading up to the main event. We have one last stop before I take you home." Luke says winking.

"Oh, c'mon! What is it? All day I thought that where we were going was what you had specially planned." you playfully whine.

"I mean it this time, I promise." Luke says laughing. He leads you a little further down the road until you come to a park. But this isn't just any park. This is the very park where you and Luke first met 10 years ago. You have been friends ever since and it wasn't until a few months ago that you both admitted your feelings for each other.

"Oh my gosh...the park?! We haven't come here since we were little!" you exclaim in surprise and excitement.

"Surprise, baby girl. I thought we'd come back to where it all began and watch the sun set." he smiles.

"It's perfect." you say returning the smile. You walk around to all the playground equipment reliving childhood memories. Every one had some funny and embarrassing moment that you both never forgot and never will forget.

When you get to the slide, Luke stops and turns to face you, taking your hands. "I remember this slide and its memory like it was yesterday. We were 11 and you had the bright idea of going down this thing right after I did, before I could even get off of it. Remember what happened next?"

"Ha! Of course. I came down the slide so fast that I made both of us fall off and onto the ground in front of it. I landed on top of you." you say seeing the image of Luke's face underneath yours 7 years ago.

"Do you wanna remake that moment right now?..." Luke asks curiously.

"Yes!" you say before rushing up the steps to the top of the slide. Luke laughs and runs after you before pushing you onto the slide first and sending you head first down it. Soon after he goes down and just like before, you both topple off the edge. This time, Luke is on top of you since you went down first. You look into each other's eyes for a minute and you both get so lost in them that it takes a while before you finally speak up.

"Why did you send me down first? That isn't how it went last time."

Luke smiles looking down. "I did it because last time when we were reversed, in this very spot, I wanted to kiss you so badly. But you were on top so I wasn't in control of what happened. Now, I'm on top. So now...I can finally do this." Luke then leans down and plants a soft kiss on your lips. You both smile into the kiss before pulling away.

"Happy Birthday, Y/N." Luke says, still on top of you.

"Thank you, Luke. I couldn't have asked for a better one." You kiss again and you hear a little kid say, "Eeeew gross!" and you immediately pull away, look at each other, and burst into laughter.​

Luke laughs so hard that he falls onto the ground beside you. You then commence a tickle fight as the sun sets on your 18th birthday that you know will be unforgettable.

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