Requests Week #1: For Jana (Luke)

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For the first time in a while, you were having an okay day. School wasn't too unbearable, you spent time with some friends, and your parents finally weren't yelling at each other. You headed home in the evening feeling good. Then as you got closer to your house, that good feeling left quicker than it came.

From at least a block away, you could hear them yelling. This time it was the loudest you had ever heard them. Sighing, you were about to put the key in the lock when you heard a loud thud that made you jump. Did your father just throw something? At least you know he didn't hit your mom, otherwise you would have heard her scream in pain.

You usually walked right in the house in the middle of their fighting but you weren't about to risk accidentally being hit by something. You sat outside the door waiting for it to stop. But it wasn't stopping. This had to be their biggest fight yet. Who knew what it was about, but it had to have been something big.

Next you only heard a lot of walking around and your mom raising her voice, sounding like she was going to cry. You then heard footsteps getting closer to the door so you went to hide in the bush next to the house. Once hidden, you heard the door open and saw your father walk out with a suitcase, get in his car, and drive away.

When the car was out of sight, you came out not really believing what you just saw. From what you could tell, your father left. He walked out on his marriage, but also on you. Without even saying goodbye. You were shocked and hurt, because despite your parents not getting along anymore, you have a great relationship with both of them. You went to the door and turned the key acting like you just got back.

The sight you walked looked like a crime scene. You only heard one loud thud but evidently a lot more took place before you arrived. Your father had a history of throwing "hissy fits" where he would throw or break things out of frustration. This was a huge one. There was broken glass everywhere and one of the living room chairs was on its side. That must have been the loud thud you heard.

Your mom wasn't in the room. She was probably in the bedroom crying, or trying to stop crying to make you think she's fine. You couldn't believe your eyes. Looking at the sight around you and remembering that good feeling you had only minutes ago, it doesn't add up. You're on the verge of tears yourself but know you need to be strong for your mom. For both of you.

You decided it was time to reveal yourself. You carefully walked around the shattered glass and made your way to the bedroom. The door was cracked open a little so you opened it all the way and found your mom on the bed, no longer crying, but sitting in silence. She turned when you entered.

You said nothing. You sat down next to her and she knew that you were aware of what happened. You wanted to know what the fight was about, what started it, and why your father never bothered to say goodbye to you in some way. You wanted to burst into tears and cry for hours. But now wasn't the time. You laid your head on your mom's shoulder and continued sitting in silence, letting it sink in that from now on the two of you would be living in a broken home.


Your mom told you everything after the silence was over. It wasn't anything specifically that started the fight. Your father just couldn't take things anymore, knew things didn't work with your mom anymore and knew they never would get better. He lashed out because he was frustrated with the situation. He loves you with all his heart and always will, but he couldn't be with your mom anymore, and so he left. When you heard all that, you didn't react. You just said okay and went to bed. You didn't even cry. You were still too shocked to experience any other emotions.

You woke up the next morning, temporarily forgetting about the events of the night before. You got out of bed and went to the kitchen expecting to see your father making breakfast and then greeting you with, "Morning, baby girl." But he wasn't there. He would never be there making breakfast ever again. He would never be in the house again. Your family would never be whole again. It would forever be shattered like the glass on the floor that was now in the garbage. It was these thoughts that finally caused you to break down.

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