Requests Week #5: For Shay (Luke)

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You wake up to your phone ringing. You don't know what time it is, but it feels really early. Groggily, you answer "Hello?"

"Heeeey Shay, it's Calum!" your good friend cheers on the other line. Normally you love Calum's cheeriness but having just woke up, it's a little much.

"What do you want, Cal?" you ask as politely as possible.

"Ooo someone's a little grumpy." He must have taken notice of the slight bite to your tone.

"Am not, I just woke up. What's up?" you ask again.

"Ha alright well I just wanted to know if you wanna hang out today. I'm really bored." he says.

You sit up finally and brush your hair back. "Sorry I can't. You know what day today is." you say remembering that it is none other than yours and Luke's three year anniversary. You know you will be with Luke the entire day celebrating.

"What?" he asks. He's joking, right? He has to know your anniversary. All the guys do. Or so you thought.

"You're kidding. Calum, you know what day it is. I'm gonna be with Luke all day." you say trying to get him to see.

"No, I don't. And I just talked to Luke. He's busy all day already hanging out with Michael. C'mon, let's hang. I can come over if you want." he suggests. You can't believe it. Not only did Calum and Michael seem to forget your anniversary, but so did Luke himself.

"Um...okay. Whenever you can get here would be good. I wanna talk to you about something." you say getting out of bed and getting dressed. You hang up after he says he is on his way now.

This is not like him or the others to be like this, especially Luke. Luke has never forgotten your anniversary since you have been together. As soon as Calum gets there, you have to talk to him about it. This is unacceptable.


After Calum arrived, you confronted him immediately. He then finally remembered your anniversary, and agreed that it was unusual for Luke to not. But he just assured you that soon enough Luke would call you to at least tell you happy anniversary if nothing else.

Hours passed, and he didn't. Not even a text. It was around 5:00 when Calum could no longer distract you from how upset and hurt you were. You couldn't take it anymore, and made him drive you over to Luke's house so you could tell him off in person.

Calum pulls in the driveway when you see there are no lights on. But there were cars in the driveway so someone had to be home. You both get out of the car and walk up to the front door, expecting to find it locked, but it opened when you turned the knob. As soon as you and Calum step inside, the lights flash on and an eruption of people shouting "SURPRISE!!!" fills your ears as everyone pops out and Luke comes into view wearing a suit.

You cannot believe your eyes. You were not expecting this one bit and you can't believe you had yourself thinking that Luke could have forgotten your anniversary. You walk over to him and give him a big hug. "Luke, you did all this for us?"

"Hey, it's been three years. We had to celebrate in a big way. Happy Anniversary, Shay." He kisses your cheek and you smile up at him.

You then turn around to Calum. "You were in on this, weren't you? And Michael?" you add glancing to where Michael is behind Luke.

"You got me. Michael too. Of course we remember this day! You wouldn't let us forget it if we tried." he jokes. Everyone around the room laughs. You then look around for the first time to see who all showed up. Ashton and a few of your other close friends are here, and also your family and Luke's family. This couldn't be more perfect. You then look at what you are wearing.

"But babe I had no idea. I'm not dressed for a party." you say now self conscious about your appearance.

"I have that covered. Go in the bathroom and take a look. I think you'll like what you find." Luke says winking. You do as he says and see what this outfit could be that he picked out for you. Closing the door, you see it hanging there: the royal blue dress that you have had your eyes on for months but couldn't afford. Luke got it for you.

There is a note taped to the hanger in his handwriting that says, "Happy 3 Year Anniversary, Shay Bay!!" You always loved that nickname for you. He liked that your name and 'babe' rhymed so he decided to call you 'Shay babe' without pronouncing the second b, like 'Shay bay.' It blows your mind that he bought this expensive dress for you. Then again, he loves spoiling you. You quickly put on the dress and the matching heels before reentering the party.

Luke is waiting for you in the living room and his face lights up when he sees you. "You are stunning, Shay. You always are, but I knew you especially would be in this."

"Thanks, babe. I feel bad though, 'cause your present is at my house."

He takes your hands. "It's okay, you can give it to me tomorrow. C'mon, let's have some fun!" He takes you around the room and you eventually make the rounds, talking to everyone who came and thanking them for coming. In between, Luke will take your hands and dance with you to the music playing in the background making you laugh.

A few hours have gone by, and you can tell the party will be ending soon. But Luke seems to be looking more nervous the more time passes. At around 10:00, he turns the music off and shouts to the whole room, "Everyone! Can I have your attention, please?" Everybody quiets and turns to the two of you. You look up at him confused as to what he is doing.

"I want to say something. I have been with this wonderful girl for three whole years. During that time, we have come to know everything about each other, and gotten...probably as close as two people can get." Now he turns directly to you and continues.

"Shay, after being with you for so long, and knowing all about you and your family, I can't imagine spending my life with anyone but you. So I guess what I'm trying to say is..." All of a sudden, he takes a little black box out of his back pocket, and opens it while getting down on one knee in front of you. "Shay Marie Colman, will you complete the other half of my heart and soul, and marry me?"

Your hands are covering your mouth as you try to hold back tears. The surprise party and the dress was already amazing, but now a proposal on top of it?? He really outdid himself this year. Everyone around is shouting for you to say yes and Luke is looking up at you with hopeful eyes and a big smile. You decide to not keep everyone waiting any longer. "Yes!" Everyone cheers and you hold out your left hand so Luke can put the ring on your finger.

Luke jumps up after and hugs you lifting you off the ground. He sets you down, and gives you a big passionate kiss to celebrate you being newly engaged. Calum, Michael, and Ashton then come up to you. "You all knew, didn't you?" you ask.

"Obviously! You know how hard it was to keep all this from you?" Michael says.

You all laugh and they return to the party. You turn to Luke and wrap your arms around his neck. "Well, after a surprise party, the dress, and a proposal...I sure hope you still like my gift for you."

He laughs, "I'm sure I will. ...What is it?"

"Oh no, you'll find out tomorrow." If he made you wait, you are making him wait.

"Fine. C'mon, let's enjoy the rest of what is now our engagement party." he says leaning down kissing your forehead. You smile and peck him on the lips before he puts his arm around your waist and leads you around the room once more.

The rest of the night is a surreal blur for you. All that is on your mind is the fact that you are now engaged to Luke, and however long from now that you decide on, you are going to become a missus. And not just any missus. You are going to become Mrs. Luke Hemmings, which in your opinion is the biggest honor you will ever receive. What you do remember from the rest of the night is the smile and the glow that both never leave Luke's face as you travel from group to group talking about spending the rest of your lives together, and how neither of you can wait to start.

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