He Takes You to a One Direction Concert - OTRA (Ashton)

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Today is a fantastic day, and a bit of a disappointing day. It's fantastic because today is your 1 year anniversary with your boyfriend Ashton. It's disappointing because you had the hope of him probably getting tickets for the One Direction concert that happens to be the night of your anniversary and yesterday he had to let you down easy telling you he wasn't able to get tickets after all. You're sad but you know that whatever else Ashton has planned will be so romantic and fun and it will still be a good day.

He is picking you up at 5:00 for dinner and you're planning on dressing up a little but still comfortable. You do your hair in a fishtail braid and pick out a sundress with a pair of flats for the outfit. You put on a little makeup but not too much because "it drowns out your natural beauty" according to Ashton. You get all ready and look in the mirror for one last check when the doorbell rings.

You hear your mom open the door and let him in and you realize you can hear their conversation clearly. You put your ear to your door to listen in.

"So is the surprise ready?" your mom asks.

"Yeah she won't suspect a thing until we're already there." Ashton says.

"I'm just so happy she finally gets to see her favorite band. Thank you so much for taking her." your mom says excited. He IS taking you! Oh he thinks he's so sneaky. Little does he know. You contain your excitement as much as possible as you noisily open your door to go downstairs. As you go down the stairs, Ashton looks up at you beaming.

"Happy anniversary, darling. You look wonderful." he says giving you a big hug.

"Happy anniversary, Ash. You look amazing. Ready?" you ask.

"Ready. Bye, Mrs. Y/L/N. I'll have her home by midnight." he says winking at her what he thinks is subtly.

"Thank you. Have fun, Y/N." your mom says.

"I will. Bye!" you say letting some excitement escape. Ashton doesn't seem to think anything of it thankfully. You go out the door and he let's you in the car like a gentleman before driving off to dinner. The ride there, you find out you're going to your favorite restaurant. "What else are we doing tonight?"

"You'll find out when we get there." Ashton answers mischievously.

"You aren't telling me anything?!" you ask "surprised" putting your acting skills into action.

"Nope. All in due time, my love." he says in a dramatic voice. You laugh and stop questioning for now. You get to the restaurant and order, Ashton picking a little corner table for two. That's what he always picked for your dates. You get your food and eat and you eat faster than you normally would because you know you are secretly on a schedule. Ashton looks at you strangely but you just say you're really hungry.

After about a half hour you leave the restaurant to go to the "secret" destination and you are getting more excited the closer you get. Just so he doesn't wonder why you aren't bugging him a million times, you still ask him where he's taking you and for him to give you a hint the whole way there. When you get about 10 minutes away he tells you to cover your eyes. You do as he says and you cannot wait to see that stadium in front of you.

"When can I uncover them?" you ask as he's parking.

"When I say you can. In a little bit. Hold on we're here but don't look yet. I'm gonna help you out of the car." he says. You hear the car turn off and his door open and close. You then hear your door open and he says, "Okay, now don't freak out. But I need to put noise canceling headphones on you because the noise will give it away, okay? Just keep your eyes covered. I'm gonna guide you the whole way okay? Just trust me." he says.

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