You're in a 5SOS Music Video (Michael)

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"C'mon, Y/N you'll do fine." your best friend Michael says as you both walk on set for 5SOS's newest music video: Good Girls. You've never been an extra before and you prayed you wouldn't do anything to embarrass yourself. You looked around at the reform school in front of you and it looked pretty cool. Classrooms, jail cell things, the office, and the back area where the performance part happens. You were anxious to find out your costume and where you would be placed in the scenes.

Michael led you to wardrobe and someone gave you an outfit. You would wear it for the whole shoot. You put it on and Michael was waiting for you when you came out. It was a long dress with a collar and it was pink. He tries to hold back laughter as you come out with a frown. "Mikey, I look ridiculous." He can't contain it anymore and bursts into laughing.

"That's the point though! You're being taught to be a good girl with manners and proper posture." he says standing you up straighter and folding your hands in front of you.

"Oh whatever. I guess I can deal with it for a day. Just please stay with me. I only know you and the other guys." you say looking around at all the unfamiliar faces.

"Of course. I already talked to the director and he said that whatever parts we're both in, you can be as close to me as possible." he says reassuringly rubbing your arms. You smile and breathe out relieved. You're then led away to the classroom for the first scene of the day.

All day, each scene you're in Michael sits behind the camera and watches you. He thinks you're doing so well and you seem to be making friends with the other girls. The director even comments halfway through the day that you're a natural actor. Finally the scenes without the guys are done and it's time to film the ending outside of the school with Michael and some girls. Everyone sits on the front steps and you move to be next to him. But one of the girls speaks up.

"Hey, why does she get to sit next to Mikey? I wanna sit by him."

"Yeah I do too!" another chimes in. Before anyone knows it, there's an uproar of girls shouting for a spot next to him. You look at each other and roll your eyes.

"Hey, settle down! Not all of you can be by Michael, okay? Y/N is by him because they're friends and she feels more comfortable being by him. End of story." the director says.

"Suuure. Just friends. Whatever." one girl says.

"Really, we are just friends." you return.

"Yeah right. He's been watching you all day, I've seen him. There's no way you're not dating." another girl adds. You look at him as if to ask, 'You've been watching me?' and he looks guiltily back to you to answer yes.

"Well we're not, okay? Just drop it." you say defensively. The director then gets the shooting back on track and you quickly do the different shots you need so the final location can be filmed: the performance.

The first shot they do is the girls all running to the stage to see 5SOS perform. When you hear 'action' you run as fast as you can to make it to the front to be able to see Michael clearer. You make it there and on the side where Michael is so you're almost right in front of him. He looks down at you and winks as the scene goes on. But throughout the rest of the song, the girls around you hassle you and mess with you about you and Michael and from the stage, he can tell what's going on.

It bothers him too much that he can't focus on what he's doing. He stops and shouts, "I'm sorry, can we cut please?" It takes a minute but the music stops and he looks directly at the girls around you. "I see what you're doing and I'd really appreciate it if you wouldn't pick on my best friend. Just leave her alone, alright? She said we aren't dating and she's right. Can we please focus on having a good time here? ...Thank you."

He apologizes to the director and he shakes his head saying it's not necessary. The scene resumes and then finishes, so the director shouts "That's a wrap! Thank you everyone who was involved with this project, I think it'll come out great!"

Michael goes off the stage and goes right to you. "Are you okay, Y/N? I can't believe those girls were being so hard on you. It seemed earlier today like you were making friends."

"Not exactly. It's been all day that the same group has been bothering me about us. I haven't made any friends. Everyone is jealous of me because I know you personally. And they think the only reason why I got this job is because of that. Plus they feel like we're secretly dating." He pulls you into him and hugs you instead of saying anything.

"See? They look like a couple!" you both hear a girl say just loud enough that you would be able to hear.

You pull away and Michael turns towards her. "Know what? We are dating. At least hopefully we're about to be." He turns back to you and takes your hands. You look at him confused but he says, "Look Y/N I know that we've been just friends for a while. But you're my best friend besides the rest of the band. And I guess it took today with everyone thinking we're together to make me realize that we should be. They're right, we look like a couple. We would be so great together and...I'm hoping that you feel the same because I'm kinda saying all this in front of everyone." he finishes looking around him.

You look around and see all the extras, crew, and the band watching you two. You look back to Michael and think about it. He is your best friend and knows everything about you. You never really thought about being his girlfriend but you can't deny that he's pretty cute. You smile up at him and say, "I would love to give us a try, Mikey. What do we have to lose?" He smiles big and hugs you. Everyone cheers and all the girls go to change and leave.

Calum, Ashton, and Luke come up to you and congratulate you on your new relationship. They've known you for as long as Michael has and for months they've been secretly shipping you. They just never said anything. You then all go get changed so that you can leave and go out for some pizza. You go into the girls dressing room and are about to take off your dress when the door opens. You turn around and it's Michael.

"Hey, babe. Can I help you undress?" he says it thinking you'll automatically say no.

"Sure." You lift up your arms for him to take your dress off over your head. He looks at you shocked.

"...R-really?..." he stutters. You nod so he walks towards you and takes your dress by the bottom. He looks up and you look down and nod reassuring him. He slowly lifts up your dress until he gets it over your head. You take it the rest of the way off and you stand in front of him in just your lingerie. You back him up against the wall and give him a deep kiss, playing with his hair in your hands.

You pull away and he says, "Whoa...Y/N I didn't know you had this side to you. I love it."

"Well really you should've known, Mikey." He looks confused so you clarify. "It is you and the guys that said good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." You wink before you let go of him and put your clothes back on. Once dressed again, you leave the dressing room and meet up with the guys so you can eat.

You and Michael gave a relationship between you a fair shot, and it paid off. You've dated ever since that day and you're still together. You're really wishing you had noticed how perfect you are for each other a lot sooner, but better late than never. And it could have been even later or never happened at all if Michael hadn't convinced you to be in that video. Anyway, you did end up together and you're having so much fun. Oh, and it's definitely safe to say that Michael doesn't consider you a good girl anymore.

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