Requests Week #4: For Molly (Luke)

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(AN: At the bolded word 'playing' in the story, press play on the video above!)

"I have to go, Molly. My flight is boarding now. ...I'm excited for tour but I'm gonna miss you so much." Luke says talking to you on the phone from the airport.

"I'm gonna miss you too. I'm incredibly happy for you, you know that. ...But what does this mean for us?" you ask him fighting back tears. You can hear him on the other end inhaling and exhaling slowly as if he is doing the same.

"I'm gonna be gone for months. I don't want to put you through that." He lets out a big stressed sigh. "I like you so much but I want to be with you if I'm going to be with you, you know?" He's right but you don't want him to be.

"Yeah I know, Luke. I really like you too and I want to be yours more than anything, but I don't know if we could be together like this. ...I should let you go. Text when you land?"

"Of course. I really am sorry, Molly. Take care of yourself, okay? I'm gonna board. Talk later. Bye." he says.

"It's okay, I will. Have a safe trip. Bye." You reluctantly hang up and let a few tears fall. You wanted so badly to see him off but at the same time you both knew it would be too hard. Over the phone was better because you couldn't see each other's faces. The pain from the goodbye and the tears in your eyes.

But even though he and the others will be gone for several months, in only a few they will be back in town for a show and you are planning on seeing them, front row. They are going to hook you up. It is going to feel like years until that day but when it gets here, you will be over the moon.


A few months later and 5SOS's tour has been going insanely well. Everywhere they go, fans are crazy loud and singing every word. They have all been loving life on the road although they do have their rough patches. Luke texts and calls whenever he can but a lot of the time he is too tired to talk to anyone and ends up sleeping instead. You're pumped for the show and that you will get to at least see all of the guys' faces again.

They were not able to get you a backstage pass, unfortunately. They tried but the venue was only going to do that for family and celebrities. You are kind of bummed but the concert itself should still be all kinds of amazing since you'll be in the very front, all up in the action. They got you a spot on Michael's side because Luke's was all full. Didn't surprise you considering he is the "front man."

Currently you are driving to the venue and blasting your 5SOS CDs. You sing along to every word and can't wait to hear everything live, but also in person and as close as you can be. Their first headline tour and you can't believe you get to be a part of it. You've been friends with all of them since the beginning. You never thought they would become famous and neither did they. But they are and you are feeling like a proud mom right about now.

The Don't Stop EP is playing now and Rejects comes on. You furiously head bang while you're stopped and other drivers are giving you looks, some of them laughing and rolling their eyes. You let them stare. If they were in your shoes they would do the same thing. The light is green so you zoom off even faster, wanting to arrive at the arena as soon as possible. It is 6:00 so there is only another hour for you to get there.

Twenty minutes later, you have the arena in sight. Your heart starts going out of control as you find a place to park. Once parked you walk to the enterance and hand them your ticket, your hand shaking slightly. Security doesn't seem to think anything of it. Probably because they experience crying girls and someone with a little shake isn't unusual. You laugh at the thought and walk in finding the enterance to the left side of the seats.

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