Christmas! (Luke)

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"Mommy! Daddy! Get up! Santa came! Santa came!" This is what you and Luke wake up to this morning. Your son and daughter jumping on your bed at 6:00am because it is Christmas Day.

"Okay, okay, we're coming." Luke says laughing as the jumping moves you and him around. Your children laugh and jump off the bed running out to go to the living room. You look at each other and laugh at how excited they get over Christmas morning. Luke scoots closer to you and says, "I do not want to leave this bed."

"I don't either, sweetie. But the kids will get impatient. C'mon." You get up and grab his hands to try and pull him out, failing miserably. "Luuuuke come on!" you plead letting go.

"Ugh fine." He slowly sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed. He grabs his robe from the back of your bedroom door and grabs his reading glasses from the nightstand.

It is very strange for you to be married to Luke, having two kids with him, knowing what he was like twelve years ago. He used to be such a party animal, going out to clubs every other night with his friends. Now he spends his nights in a house with his wife, reading bedtime stories to his children and curling up in bed with her afterwards, turning in early. As if it was yesterday, you can remember your first date back in college...

You walk into the bar on campus and Luke picks out a little booth in the back. Of course he chose a bar to take you out on a first date. That's the kind of guy he is. All because you decided to go to that stupid frat party, you literally bumped into him there. He hit on you in an instant and you wanted to say no, but there was something about him that was too charming to turn down, so here you are. You know this isn't going to go very far.

An hour or two passes, and you ask questions back and forth to each other. Despite coming off as a cocky charmer, the answers he is giving you are pretty great. He wants to be a music teacher, he doesn't smoke, he drinks but doesn't drive drunk, and he loves his family. Not what you would have guessed about him with a look. "So what do you wanna do for a living?" he asks.

"Fashion design. ...I know it's stupid trying to make a career out of something so frivolous and impossible." you admit embarrassed.

"Hey, I'm gonna try and support myself on a teacher salary. We're in the same boat. So why fashion design?" He seems very interested in learning about you. What a nice surprise.

"Well I've always liked fashion and creating my own unique style, and I figured I would like to spend my life doing that because I know I would be happy." As you speak, you can see him slowly smile at you and lean forward on the table, really listening to you. Something tells you that maybe he'll be one of the good ones after all, and you don't think you will ever forget that look on his face.

And you still haven't. You smile to yourself as a 22 year old Luke sitting across from you at a bar booth, smiling at you with that ridiculous lip ring on that he loved so much, appears in your mind. "Um...Y/N? What are you doing?" 34 year old Luke asks in the present time. He has now put his robe on and tied it, and has his reading glasses in his hand.

You stop daydreaming and turn to him. "Nothing. Let's go open presents." You smile and go to him, putting your arm around his waist. He smiles down at you and puts his arm around your shoulders as you leave your bedroom and walk down the small hallway to the living room.

"Mommy, the milk and cookies are gone!" your six year old son Johnny exclaims.

"He left us so many presents! Look daddy!" Lizzie, your eight year old daughter says jumping and pointing to the many wrapped packages under the Christmas tree.

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