Requests Week #3: For Venetia (Ashton)

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Walking into your apartment, you throw your bag down and fall onto the couch no longer able to walk. You just finished a soccer game, which you lost. You also had to play during your cycle so that made things ten times worse. You took your medicine before you left but it's worn off now so your cramps are coming back full force. All you want to do is go to bed and sleep for weeks, but your cat is meowing at you to feed him.

"Yeah okay, cat." You slowly get up letting out a huge groan and feed the poor thing. You have been gone all day so he was definitely starving. After feeding the cat you take more medicine, take out your contacts, and lay back down to call the only person who could make a shit day, better. Your best friend Ashton was still touring the world with 5SOS, but occasionally you could make time to talk. However, with the luck you're having, today will not be one of those days.

The phone rings and rings and you're thinking he may not answer but he picks up at the last second. "Venetia! Hey, what's going on?" he cheers. His happy spirit was already helping your mood. Although it could be the medicine too.

"Hey Ash. It's been one of those days, my friend. Just needed to hear your voice." you say, your eyes already starting to droop.

"Aw I'm sorry, V. Don't worry I'll be home soon." he says softly over the phone.

"Hurry, please." You're really dozing off now. But you fight to stay awake to talk to him longer. This was helping you relax.

"I'll be home before you know it, trust me. I can tell you're tired so I'm gonna let you rest. I'll talk to you very soon. I love you." He says gently, almost like a spoken lullaby. In seconds, you're fast asleep. You couldn't even hang up the phone. The last thing you remember before you're out cold is Ashton's voice whispering 'sleep tight' and most likely hanging up.


Upon waking up, you have cramps again plus lower back pain, but you feel very well rested. You feel a blanket over you that you don't remember putting there. You also think you smell chocolate cake and pizza. You decide to open your eyes finally, and you slowly get up trying not to aggravate your body too much.

You're reaching for the side table next to the couch where you keep your glasses and barely have them on when you hear, "Oh good, you're finally awake! I was worried I might be losing you." You jump and turn towards your kitchenette, shocked and confused as to why Ashton is somehow returned from tour.

"Ash!?" You jump up not caring you're in pain and run into his chest. "Why didn't you tell me you were already coming home? I would've waited up a little longer for you."

"No, considering you fell asleep before we could say goodbye, and you would have been waiting until the next morning." he says. Now you're really confused.

"Wait, how long was I asleep?" you ask, letting go to look up at him.

"You didn't wake up again after we talked??" he returns.

"No, not until now!" you exclaim.

"V, you slept the whole rest of the day and night and this morning. You must have really been tired. But it's no mystery why." He goes to your oven and takes out a pizza, setting it on the counter before grabbing your bottle of Pamprin and shaking it.

"That's why you're making pizza. And let me guess, chocolate cake?" you ask pointing to your lower oven.

He nods proudly. "Mmhm. I got here this morning thinking you would be up but I found you on the couch and didn't wanna wake you. I was gonna make myself breakfast when I found your pills and knew you were on your cycle. So I decided to make your favorite foods, get The Walking Dead ready on Netflix, and have a heating pad ready too. Plus you looked chilly so I covered you up." he finishes gesturing to the blanket strewn on the couch.

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