Requests Week #1: For Madison (Ashton)

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Ashton has been on tour with the band for 4 months and this is the first time he has been able to come home. You both have missed each other like crazy and missed sharing a bed and falling asleep together. But most of all, you miss waking up in the morning to Ashton's arms wrapped around you having a slight protective grip on you even though he's sleeping. It made you feel safe and when he was away, you felt a little less safe but you managed the best you could.

Here's the thing: you didn't know he was coming home. Ashton knows how much you like waking up to him holding you and he knew he would be getting back late anyway, so he planned to sneak in your house in the middle of the night and quietly get in the bed so that when you woke up in the morning you would be pleasantly surprised to feel him next to you. Unfortunately his plan didn't work out how he hoped it would.

You were sound asleep when you were woken up by a noise. You didn't know where it came from but you ignored it and closed your eyes again. Not long later you heard another noise and you knew it came from downstairs, inside the house. Someone was in the house. Someone broke in the house. And Ashton wasn't there to protect you. You began to panic and tried to think what to do. What if this person came upstairs and found you? You needed a way to defend yourself.

You quietly searched around the bedroom for something, anything, that could work as a weapon. There wasn't anything of much use but the closest thing you could find was your hairbrush. You picked it up, ready to chuck it at whoever may or may not come through the door. Your hands were trembling as you waited for the potential attacker, but for a few moments you didn't hear anything and started to relax a little, hoping they may have left.

Suddenly, your door slowly starts creaking open and you see the shadow of a man in the doorway. Without thinking, you start to run at him with your brush raised in the air. But at the same time the man turns on the light and says, "Whoa, Maddie! What are you doing?? It's me! It's me!"

You look in disbelief at a frantic-looking Ashton standing by the light switch with his hands in the air. "Ashton?! You're home!!" you shout throwing your hairbrush to the side and running to embrace your boyfriend. You then get angry, "You had me thinking there was a murderer or something!!" you shout, punching Ashton in the arm. You go sit on the edge of the bed and he follows.

"I'm sorry, pumpkin. I just wanted to surprise you. I know you love waking up with me so I thought I'd sneak in, but obviously I'm not very good at it." he ends with a laugh.

"Yeah, hardly. It's okay, it's really sweet what you wanted to do. Just promise me that if you're gonna surprise me again, that it's in broad daylight." you say brushing his now long hair back with your hand, "I'd hate to take a hairbrush to that adorable face."

He giggles and says, "Yeah nice weapon of choice, by the way. Couldn't find anything less harmful?"

"Ha, ha. Very funny, Irwin!" you say before jumping on top of him and starting a tickle war. It may be 3:45am but you couldn't care less. If you're gonna be awake at this hour after four months of your love being away, the best reason is that your love has returned to you, how ever briefly.

After your tickle war (which you rightfully won) and catching up has ended, it is around 5:00am. You decide to finally go back to sleep as the sun is rising. You two get into bed and Ashton immediately gravitates towards you and assumes his position of holding onto you from behind as you both drift off to sleep.

"Goodnight, Madison. I love you so much." Ashton whispers in your ear before placing a kiss on it and squeezing you tight.

"Goodnight, Ash. I love you too." you whisper too before falling asleep.

Aside from the scare you had a few hours before this moment, this has been a great reunion with your crazy dork. He came back and it felt like he never left. You picked up where you left off and it was easy as ever. As you fell asleep, you felt better than you have in a while. You were back in Ashton's arms, feeling completely safe once again, knowing that when you woke up, he would still be there next to you, holding you tight.

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