He is With You During a Thunderstorm (Michael)

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It is a quiet night at Michael's house watching movies on TV. It is an ordinary night being cuddled into him on the living couch while having a bowl of popcorn and drinks on the coffee table. Nights like these with him are your favorite because you don't have to think. Nothing is difficult. All you have to do is lie there in his arms and stare at the TV screen. It is really relaxing and it is the night of the week you always look forward to.

You are a couple movies in when you hear a small rumble of thunder, and the start of pouring rain. You feel Michael's body slightly tense. Sitting up a little, you look up at him. "You alright, babe?"

"Uh yeah..I'm fine." he says, brushing it off. You lie back down turning your attention back to the movie. You're excited by that thunder because you love thunderstorms. You sometimes watch them to see the flashes of lightning make the sky go white and the loud booms of thunder that follow. But you could swear that it seems like Michael didn't like just that little rumble.

Seconds later, there is lightning out the window and it makes your heart jump for joy. But Michael physically moves suddenly as if it scared him. "Ha...it's just lightning, Mike."

"Yeah I know. ...But maybe could we close the curtains?" he asks.

"Why? I love it." you protest. More lightning happens with a really loud boom a second later. "Yes! It's starting! C'mon, let's watch it!" You spring up and take Michaels hand yanking him off the couch and taking him to the window.

"C'mon, let's finish the movie. You can watch later." he suggests turning to go back to the couch.

"Nooo I wanna watch! Please?" you plead looking up at him with sad eyes.

That look works every time. "Fine." You smile and kiss his cheek, then look out the window. He stands next to you while you enjoy the light show but whenever you look through the reflection at him, he isn't watching with you. He is either looking down or to the side.

"Michael are you okay?" you ask.

"Yeah...it's just getting pretty bad out there." he says. Beeping then comes from the TV signaling a weather announcement. He immediately goes to see what it is and confused, you follow him. You have never seen him act like this, so jumpy.

Looking at the TV screen, you see a weather channel update that there is a severe thunderstorm warning for the next hour. "So uh how about we go to the basement and play video games or something?" Michael suggests turning off the TV.

"But I thought you wanted to finish that movie." you point to the TV, looking at him. You are more confused than ever.

"I changed my mind, okay?" Another huge flash of lightning happens as Michael glances out the window and he snaps his head away. "C'mon, let's head down." He quickly walks towards the basement door and now you think you know why he is being this way. But you never would have expected him to be scared of storms. He isn't scared of anything.

Not objecting, you walk to the door and follow him down the stairs to his gaming system. You get settled in the chairs when the loudest thunder of the night happens, making the entire house shake. Michael full on jumps up and says, "Holy shit!"

You get up and go to him. "Baby, are you okay?" you ask legitimately concerned.

"Yeah that thunder was just unexpected." he says. You grab his hand to find it shaking.

"Michael, you are shaking! Are you sure?" He takes a deep breath and stands up. He takes your hand and puts it over his heart. It must be beating a hundred miles a minute. You gasp and look up at him.

"I never wanted you to know, but I hate storms. They just freak me out. I don't like seeing them or hearing them. ...But I didn't wanna tell you because it's dumb. And I don't want you to look at me any different." he says.

"Mike, it's okay. I don't care that you don't like storms. I only wish you would have told me sooner so that I could have just cuddled and kissed you until it passed, trying to calm you down." you say stroking his left cheek with a smile.

"Well...it's still going on..." Michael points out. You laugh and open your arms which he immediately goes into and he squeezes you tight.

He stays there for what feels like hours before you speak up. "Babe...my legs hurt. Can we sit?" Not letting go, he moves both of you over to one of the chairs and he plops down so that he is in your lap. "Uh...shouldn't this be reversed?" you ask.

"No." he answers like a child. He nuzzles his head into your neck and you giggle because it tickles a little. "What?" he asks.

"Nothing." You smile down at him laying on you and think how this is not the way you saw the night ending up. It is always you that cuddles Michael. But it's kind of nice to switch things up. You find it comforting to know that you can comfort him. That it isn't a one way street.

After a long silence, Michael says "Thanks for this, Y/N. I needed it."

"Of course. Whenever you want. I mean I don't want it to just be you helping me. I want to help you in return." you say looking down at the back of his head.

He doesn't say anything right away. He takes a deep breath in, and makes a long sigh exhaling. Then he says, "I love you, Y/N. Never leave."

You openly laugh and lean down kissing his hair. "I love you, Mike. But you know I'll have to at some point."

"When the storm is over?" he asks.

"When the storm is over. I promise." you assure him. He snuggles into you more, and another crack of lightning and a boom happen making him jump and squeeze you reflexively. You squeeze him back and give him kisses to calm him back down.

You spend another few hours in the basement with Michael on your lap and he has become very heavy. But you don't dare say anything. He needs this right now and you are happy to get to spend this time being close to him, no matter what the circumstances.

But you notice that for the last ten minutes at least, he hasn't said anything. He also hasn't moved. "Mike?" you ask. Nothing. "Michael?" Still nothing. You crane your head to try and see his face in your neck and when you do, you see his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open. Yep, he fell asleep on you.

Laughing quietly to yourself, you come to the conclusion that you will not be leaving Michael's house after all. You can't even get out from underneath him. Your legs have now gone numb but you make yourself comfortable in this chair anyway, and lean back to go to sleep right with him. You close your eyes and smile thinking how fun it will be to see what happens in the morning when Michael wakes up and to his delight, you are in the same position that you were the night before, and like he requested, you never left him.

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