He Takes You to a One Direction Concert - OTRA (Luke)

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Today is the day!!! You have been counting down the days for months prior to this day and it is finally here. You're going to see One Direction in concert. Sure, Zayn will be missing, but they're still amazing. You've spent all day figuring out your outfit and making sure you have everything you need. You've seen them once before so you know what you're doing. Why you even get to go in the first place is because your boyfriend Luke surprised you with tickets for Christmas. You were shocked and even more so when you saw he scored floor seats. You couldn't be too surprised though.

You've been a fan since early 2012; you were seventeen. And you started dating Luke soon after you turned eighteen. For as long as he has known you, you've been a huge fan so he knew anything 1D would make you happy. After almost three years of being together, you're both almost twenty-one and oh so much in love. Luke would do anything to make you happy and that's exactly why he got you the tickets. Well...he's also a little bit of a fan, and he's using the concert to surprise you in an even bigger way which you have yet to find out about.

It's about 5pm so Luke should be arriving any minute to go to the venue. Your heart is jumping out of your chest and your stomach is in anxious/excited knots. Tonight will be one of the best nights of your life; you can feel it. Not long later, you feel your phone buzz with a text. Luke is outside. Letting out a little squeal of excitement, then calming yourself, you grab your purse and slip on your shoes before heading out.

You get to his car and the door is locked. You look through the window and see Luke on the phone. You knock lightly on the window and he whips around before holding up his finger for you to wait. He quickly finishes the call and then gets out of the car coming to you.

"Hey, babe are you excited?" he asks smiling and giving you a hug.

"Excited is an understatement. You know this. Let's go!" you shout going to get in the car.

"Wait! It may only be a concert, but I'm still counting this as a date. Allow me." he says opening the door for you. You laugh and thank him before you speed off.

"So what was that phone call about?" you ask.

"Um..it was mum making sure I knew how to get there." he says.

You don't quite believe it, but let him think you do because obviously there's something he wants to keep from you. You've done this secret keeping dance with him before. On the way, you listen to all of One Direction's albums including their new song Drag Me Down that you are definitely in love with, just like the rest of the world. Being the dedicated fan you are, you already know all the words so you can sing along. Luke looks over at you every once in a while as you sing your favorite songs and he smiles and laughs at how into them you get.

You finally arrive at the venue and it's about 6:30 so Icona Pop should be out within the next half hour. You go to find your floor seats and you're ecstatic when you see how close yours really are to the stage. You run to them and Luke laughs to himself walking behind you. You and Luke dance to all the songs that play during the wait for Icona Pop and have a fun time, so before you know it the music stops and they come out. You really only know one song of theirs but their songs are all pretty catchy and danceable so it's still an enjoyable time.

They leave the stage and you know it is now only a matter of time before 1D finally perform. You're feeling really excited but also a little nervous. It'll be your first time seeing them in person without Zayn and you're not sure how much of a difference there will be. Regardless you're hoping for the best and know that the four remaining will still deliver. You glance over at Luke who seems to be looking a little anxious himself.

"You aren't nervous about Zayn missing too, are you?" you ask jokingly. You seem to snap him out of daydreaming.

He jumps slightly then says, "Ha maybe a little." You know that isn't it; something else is making him take deep breaths and fidget in his chair.

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