Christmas! (Ashton)

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Right now, it is Christmas Eve. You are in your winter pajamas wrapped in a blanket on your bed, getting ready to watch one of your favorite animated Christmas movies when it comes on TV at 8:00. You have a mug of hot cocoa and marshmallows in your hands and a bowl of buttered popcorn in your lap. You can't think of a better way to spend the night before Christmas.

It's a few minutes until the movie starts and you hear your phone go off. You reach over to your nightstand and pick it up to see a new text from your friend Ashton. Smiling, you open it and read "Hey Y/N what are you up too?"

You laugh at his incorrect grammar and reply, "Lol *to :P and I'm gonna watch A Year Without a Santa Claus on TV curled up in bed. Popcorn and cocoa at the ready. :) You?" When you set your phone down the movie starts and you immediately dig in on your popcorn. You are so comfortable you never want leave your bed again.

A minute later Ashton answers, "I don't give a shit :p Sounds fun, can I join?"

Laughing out loud you start to respond but another message comes in. "Seriously, can I? I'm so bored." You didn't think he was being serious. But if this is a real offer, it would be nice to have some company. "Mom, can Ash come over for a little bit?" you shout towards the hallway.

"Doesn't he want to be with his family?" she shouts back.

"Apparently they aren't doing anything. He's bored." you reply.

"Okay sure!" she answers. Excitedly, you text Ashton back that it's okay for him to stop by, and resume watching your movie.

You're actually pretty happy that you get to see him. It's been a few days and you kind of miss him. He's a great presence to have around, always smiling and laughing about something. ...Who are you kidding? You like him. A lot. Every chance you get to see him, you take it. And how romantic that you are spending time together on Christmas Eve. I mean he doesn't like you but that doesn't mean it won't be romantic.

"Almost there! Thought I'd head over cuz I knew I'd be able to. ;)" You think about what you are wearing right now and try to decide if you should change into something not...penguin PJs. It isn't quite the most attractive outfit for him to see you in. Deciding to at least pick something out, you get up and go through your closet for something cute but still comfortable. You decide on black leggings and a light tan sweater with a scarf to tie it all together. But should you actually wear it?

Before you can answer yourself, it's the doorbell. You quickly have to decide to stay in pajamas or make a last minute effort to look good. There isn't enough time for that. You get back on your bed and get in the blanket again with your popcorn and cocoa just as Ashton opens your door.

"Hey." he smiles and leaves the door open. He knows your parents don't let you close your door when a guy is over, even if you aren't dating.

"Hey, Ash. So you just assumed that it would be okay and left your house anyway?" you ask.

"Well yeah, your parents love me." he says.

"Ha! Okay love is a pretty strong word. We've only been friends for a few months." you say trying to calm his ego. "C'mon, the commercial is over." You move over on your double bed and pat the spot to your left.

He sits right next to you touching your legs saying, "Whatever they still like me enough to let me come over after dark." You chuckle and turn your attention back to the movie and the popcorn. You put it between you so Ashton can have some, and sip some more on your cocoa before it gets cold.

You wish you could somehow get him under the blanket with you without it sounding weird. You want so bad to cuddle him. You think about what you might be able to say or do to make it seem natural but he says something interrupting you. "I'm getting kinda chilly. Can you pass me some of that blanket?"

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