Thanksgiving! (Ashton)

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(AN: Before you read, I want to say that what Ashton Irwin has gone through breaks my heart and I have the utmost respect for everyone in his life. Or formerly in his life. ...Carry on.)

It is your last day of school before Thanksgiving. You are walking home at the end of the day, minding your own business when someone comes up to you asking for money. You try to refuse them but after you turning them down three times, he pulls a gun out of nowhere. The people around you start screaming and he puts you in a headlock with the gun pointed to your head.

"If you don't give me what I want, I'm gonna force it out of you. However I have to." the guy says into your ear. You are about to panic when suddenly the guy is taken down to the ground. The gun has been kicked out of his hand. He is punched in the face, and kicked in the crotch to finish him off.

"Don't ever come near her again, you hear me?" says your savior. The guy just grunts on the ground and the person who saved you now turns to you. "Are you okay?"

This person looks around your age, with gorgeous hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair. Not to mention an adorable accent. Australian, you think. "Yeah now. Thank you so much. I could've been dead."

"No problem. I was walking home and was behind you. I wasn't just going to let it happen, you know?" he says.

"Right. ...Wait walking home? Do you go to the high school down the road?" you ask.

"Yeah, and you do too. I saw you walk out." he says with a chuckle.

"I've never seen you before. Are you new?" you ask, knowing the answer already.

"Yeah my family and I just moved here from Australia. But you already knew that because you've been listening to me talk. Um...hi, I'm Ashton." he says awkwardly. Aw cute!

"Hi, Ashton. I'm Y/N. Are you a senior too?" you wonder.

"I think that's what they call it here, yeah. Well awesome, maybe we'll see each other around then." he smiles. He has dimples! Hello, hotness.

"Yeah, and look if there's anything you ever need, let me know. It's the least I can do to repay you for saving my life." You return the smile and he shyly looks down.

"Sure thing. See you after break, Y/N." he says going to cross the street.

"See you, Ashton." you reply going to continue down the sidewalk. You both start to walk away but you hear Ashton say 'Wait!' and you turn around.

"Maybe there is something you could do for me. But it may be a lot to ask so it's okay if you say no." he says.

"What is it?" you ask.

"Well since we just moved here, none of our family is able to spend Thanksgiving with us and so it will be kinda lonely with just the four of us. ...Is there any chance you may take us in? I know we just met and you don't know me but I'm sure we would have a lot more fun with more people." he says cautiously. Normally you would never do something like this, for a stranger and his family, but he does go to school with you so how bad could he be?

"Let me just clear it with my parents and get back to you. Here, I'll give you my cellphone number." you hold out your hand and he gets his phone out and sets it on your palm. "That way I can text you either way it goes, okay?" He smiles getting his phone back and saving your contact.

"Great! Thank you so much, Y/N. I look forward to hearing from you. Now I should really go. See you maybe on Thursday!" he calls back crossing the street.

"You're welcome! See you, Ashton!" you shout back. You continue your walk home looking around everywhere to make sure you don't get approached again. You have to admit that after that incident you will be very paranoid from now on.

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