You Meet Him on the First Day of School (Ashton)

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You did it. You survived another first day of school. The final bell rang and you almost cheered out loud with relief. You gather your stuff and leave the classroom to head out to your car. You turn onto the hallway before the front doors and you hear something. It sounds like banging. You've heard that sound many times before. It's coming from the band room, somebody playing the drums again. You look in the door window every time you walk past to see the same guy pounding away and this year you know you'll see him again.

You get to the end of the hallway and walk by glancing in the window. You stop after you walk past. It was not the same guy. You back up to the window again and make sure you saw right. There he was, a new guy. You had never seen him before but he definitely wasn't a freshman. You watch and listen to him for probably too long but you can't help it. He's a fantastic drummer and also very good looking. You love how much passion he puts into playing, for no one.

He stops and glances at the door to catch you looking. Your eyes widen with embarrassment but he smiles really big and motions for you to come in. You slowly open the door and say, "I'm sorry, that probably looked really creepy. I'm just used to walking by here and seeing someone else."

"Oh yeah I hear I'm replacing a senior from last year who was the best of the best in this school." he says.

"Yeah he was pretty good. But I've heard him drum for three years and hearing you just now, I think you're even better, honestly." He looks shocked and flattered.

"What?" is all he says.

"I'm serious. You're a better drummer not just in your drumming itself, but you actually enjoy what you're doing and it shows. He had no passion for playing like you do. It's amazing." you compliment.

"Thank you so much, that means a lot. I was afraid about being able to fill his shoes but I guess I don't need to." he smiles. You can't get over how cute and humble he is.

"Not at all. I mean I wish I had half as much talent as you do." you admit.

"You play too?!" he asks getting excited.

"Ha! No I don't. It looks so fun but I don't think I could do it. My hands and feet are not coordinated. And no one would be patient enough to teach me." you laugh.

He thinks for a minute and asks, "What's your name?"


"Y/N, I'm Ashton and I am making you an offer to be your drumming instructor. I'll be really patient, but once you start getting good I'll have to challenge you hardcore. What do you say?" he asks. That was very unexpected.

"Um...are you sure? I won't exactly be the perfect student. And you don't even know me."

"I know that you're really sweet and pretty and your name is Y/N. What else is there for me to know to be your teacher?" He has a good point. You'd get to spend a lot of time with a cute drummer and finally getting to learn to play and he seems really nice.

"Okay I'm in! When do you wanna start?" you ask.

"Do you have anywhere you need to be right now?" You think. All you were going to do when you got home was sit around and eat and watch TV. Why not be with Ashton instead?

"Nope. Let's get started." you say taking his seat behind the drum set. He laughs and starts with the absolute basics. He tells you the name of each drum and cymbol and where each is placed in the set.

Next, he teaches you how to hold the sticks when playing. "What? You don't just hold them any old way? I didn't think it mattered." you say surprised.

"No, if you hold them any way, your wrists are gonna ache and your hands will cramp up." he laughs. "Here, how would you hold them right now?" he asks. You take them and hold them like you're about to play. He laughs quietly and says, "Especially not like that."

He kneels next to you and repositions your right hand and fingers to where they should be. You didn't expect him to touch you but you loved it. His touch was so gentle and careful. "Now position your left hand like that." he says. He still hasn't let go of your other hand. But you do as he says with your left hand.

"Like this?" you ask looking at him.

"Perfect." he answers, looking in your eyes. This is the first time you're looking at his eyes closely and they are actually hazel. You thought they were brown. You're so fascinated with them that you can't look away. He can't seem to look away from yours either. Without looking, you realize Ashton still hasn't removed his hand from your right hand he positioned already.

Before you say something, the band room door opens and the band teacher walks in. Ashton stands up quickly and almost trips over his own feet from doing it too fast. "Did I interrupt something?..." he asks cautiously.

"No, Ashton was just teaching me to play." you say.

"Ah...Yes, that explains all the playing I heard before I came in." he answers sarcastically and jokingly. "I'll leave you two to it then." He goes into his office and closes the door.

"Well um...I should be getting home. I didn't get to play yet but I've already learned more than I thought I would. Thanks, Ashton." you say getting up and putting your backpack on.

"Sure thing! I'm glad I'm a good teacher. You're a better student than you said you'd be, Y/N."

"Yeah we'll see if you still think that when I have to actually play. When do you wanna do my next lesson?" you ask.

"Would tomorrow after school work?" he proposes.

"Sounds good. Should we just meet every day after school?" you suggest.

"Might as well. Except for days when I have a concert." he clarifies.

"Of course. Deal. I can't wait to become a drummer! And with you teaching me, I'll be the second best drummer this school has ever seen. I mean, I can't surpass the master." you joke.

"Hahaha! Well thanks. I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N. Here, I should probably give you my number just in case there's a day I'm not at school." He puts his number in your phone and hands it back.

"Thanks! I'll shoot you a text when I get home. See you tomorrow, Ashton." you say heading for the door.

"Awesome. See you tomorrow, beautiful." Ashton returns shyly. You smile and start to blush as you turn around and go out the door.

Well that was an end to your first day that you never thought would happen. It somehow slipped your mind that the guy you always saw before was a senior last year and there was bound to be somebody new sitting in his place. Of all the replacements in the world you're so happy it's Ashton. He was nice enough to not be weirded out at you creepily watching him through the door window, and to offer to teach you to play.

You also can't ignore the fact that you have a major crush on him, you have his number, you had that moment, him not letting go of your hand, and him calling you beautiful. You think he likes you too and maybe something more will come of your friendship and teacher/student relationship as the school year goes on. It's certainly no mystery that you'll be looking forward to school for the first time ever, because every day at the sounding of the final bell, Ashton will be waiting for you at the band room door.

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