Requests Week #5: For Ryleigh (Michael)

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"Just call me back when you can, I guess. Bye." Michael says before hanging up his phone. This is the third time this week that he has had to leave you a voicemail.

He has been trying to spend time with you, but you have choir practice every day after school and by the time you get out, you have to go home and do school work for the next day. He knows it isn't your fault and he is really happy for you that you made it into this extracurricular group but he feels like he never sees you anymore.

Being in choir class wasn't enough for you, so you auditioned for the school's top extracurricular choir and got in. Michael was so happy for you that he took you out to dinner to celebrate. It wasn't until you made it and rehearsals started that you figured out how big of a commitment it was going to be. Rehearsals five days a week plus performances and competitions on weekends. You are having the time of your life, meanwhile Michael is feeling more and more like you are slipping away from your relationship.

After some time, he talked to you about how he felt and you understood, purposefully trying to set aside time to spend with him ever since. But you are starting to regress again and Michael can tell. So this week, he decided he would make sure you had time to have a little date this weekend so that you could get back on track. He knows that you don't have any performances or competitions so nothing should stop his plans this time. However, it would be easier to make plans if you answered your phone once in a while.

Trying to push his frustrations aside, Michael goes to his living room and turns on the TV. Minutes later, his phone rings and it is you finally calling back. Quickly, he mutes the TV and answers. "Ryleigh, I've been trying to reach you for days. Where have you been?"

"Sorry, babe but you know my schedule. School, practice, eat, homework, sleep, repeat." He can hear you shuffling around your house most likely making dinner.

"I know but don't you have one free moment in there somewhere to talk to your boyfriend? Who misses you very much?" he asks.

You laugh on the other line. "I'm talking to you right now, silly. Now what's up?"

"Alright. Since you don't have choir stuff this weekend, I was hoping that we could do something. Maybe a movie night or get something to eat?" he suggests.

"That sounds great, Mikey! How's Saturday for ya?" you ask.

Michael breathes out a sigh of relief that you are free and says, "Perfect! I can't wait. Now go eat so you can get your homework done early and we can talk some more."

Laughing you say, "Okay I'll try. Bye, babe." and hang up. Now he feels much better. Now you can see each other Saturday for a normal date night and pick things up again.

He knows there is hope for your relationship to keep going. Sure you're busy a lot, but it's times like the coming weekend that put everything in perspective and make all the struggles worth it. With the satisfaction of getting your next date planned, Michael goes up to his room and gets started on his homework so that he will be free to talk to you when you call him back later.


You and Michael planned to have your date on Saturday be at 6:00, meeting up at his house. All week he has been looking forward to today. Finally he would be able to spend some real time with you besides little conversations in the halls between classes and half hour long phone conversations before bed. He is in the middle of getting dressed before taking you out to dinner when the doorbell rings. But it is only 4:30. That can't be you yet.

He comes downstairs and opens the front door, to be surprised at you standing in front of him, definitely not dressed in dinner clothes. "Hey, Mikey."

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