He is With You During a Thunderstorm (Luke)

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You and Luke have spent the afternoon at the mall walking around talking. You have also been dragging Luke into any and all clothing stores while you look through everything and try a bunch of things on. You know he finds it annoying and boring but you also know that he will do it anyway because it makes you happy.

Periodically, he will try and make an excuse for why you should call it a day and go back to his place to hang out but you don't buy into it. Your favorite so far has to be "I saw how hot you looked in that one red dress and I gotta admit I'm pretty hard up now." You laughed hysterically for at least five minutes.

Right now, you are in the dressing room at Forever 21 trying on your second round of clothes. Luke is sitting on the bench outside the little hallway waiting for you to finish when you come out with more rejects. He is looking at his phone and looks up when he hears you coming. "These too?" he asks standing up and taking the clothes from you. He walks to the reject rack and hangs everything up.

"Yep. Don't fit right. Guess it's time for round three." you say about to go looking once more.

"Um you may not wanna do that. I think we should head out. It's supposed to storm soon." Luke says stopping you and looking at his phone again.

"Yeah right, another excuse. You just want to leave because this isn't your thing." you say grabbing his hand and taking him back to the women section. However as you walk towards it, there is a loud boom of thunder that makes you jump.

"Told you." Luke says with a smirk when you look at him wide eyed.

"C'mon, let's try and beat it!" you say starting to run and pulling him with you. You run out of the store having bought nothing, and Luke laughs as you run in front of him, practically pulling his arm out of its socket.

"Y/N, relax. We'll make it!" Luke shouts as another boom of thunder sounds. This only makes you run faster to find the door you came in.

It takes you a few tries but you find the door closest to where you parked. You look out the doors and despite it being only 4:30, it looks like nighttime outside. The rain is pouring down in sheets, and there are flashes of lightning every few seconds followed by thunder. If you left now, you would be completely soaked.

"What are we gonna do?!" you ask turning to Luke. He thinks for a minute looking out the doors.

"We don't have a choice. We have to make a run for it." he concludes.

You look at him as if he grew a second head. "What?? No way!" you protest.

"Well who knows how long it will be before it stops enough for us to leave and not get drenched. It's up to you, baby." Realistically, you would like to get inside somewhere else as soon as possible. You end up deciding it is worth getting wet if it means getting inside under some blankets with Luke to keep warm.

"Alright let's do this." you say. Luke gets his keys ready so he can unlock the car as soon as you get outside, wraps his arm around your waist, and walks through the first set of doors with you.

He turns to you and says, "1, 2, 3!" before pushing the second set of doors open and making a mad dash to his car with his arm still around you. As soon as you aren't covered by the roof anymore, the rain begins pelting you hard and fast. You are running as fast as you can, Luke luckily remembering right away where he parked. Regardless, the rain is coming down so fast that within seconds, you are both already wet everywhere.

You get to Luke's car after about a minute and open the doors jumping in quickly and slamming them shut. You look at each other and start laughing. You are both so soaking wet that it looks like you just showered in your clothes. "Let's go home. I think there are blankets and towels with our names on them waiting for us at my place." Luke says smiling.

"Good deal." you say chuckling. He starts the car and turns his bright lights and wipers on before ever so slowly backing up.

"Babe can you get my phone out of my pocket and see about the weather for me?" he asks.

"Sure." You go for his jacket pocket and happen to glance down at his pants. As you look at them, you can't help but notice how tightly his skinny jeans are sticking to him. Particularly around his crotch area. With his jeans this tight, you can clearly see his bulge and that it is bigger than normal. You can't help but giggle a little before handing him his phone once he is in drive.

"What?" he asks turning onto the road. You look away smiling and shaking your head. "C'mon, tell me. What is it?" he urges.

You look out the windshield and say, "Oh nothing. Just didn't know that you were being serious earlier when you said you were...feeling something down there." You openly laugh now, not being able to contain it.

He looks down at himself, now realizing why you said that and even though it is dark, you know his face has turned red. "It's okay, baby. I mean we don't have to just cuddle under those blankets, you know." You wink at him and his eyes widen at the thought.

"Really?..." he speaks up finally. You nod slowly and he turns back to the road smiling as he drives the rest of the way to his apartment. You're happy to know that he is finally not going to be bored today. But even if he tried to hide the excitement in his face, you would still know. Because you swear, glancing back at his bulge, that it's even bigger now, than it was a minute ago.

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