You Meet Him on the First Day of School (Luke)

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Walking into first period math, you search for a seat in the very back row. It's your location of choice because you hate the feeling of people's eyes on you and the teacher wouldn't be able to see you text. You got there a little later than you wanted to so by the time you arrived, there was only one back row spot left. You take it quickly and sit down to take in your surroundings. Like every first day it's pretty quiet. Classmates are all strangers still so people keep to themselves listening to music through earbuds and being on their phone.

You look next to you for the first time and see a guy who immediately intrigues you. He has blonde hair and is wearing all black. He isn't on his phone, no earbuds in, he's just sitting there staring straight ahead. You think he may be gazing off into space, but he could be thinking hard about something too. You're trying to figure out what his deal is when the person on your other side says, "That's Jack. He doesn't say much."

"Yeah I can tell. You know him?" You turn around and are met with a pair of the most striking blue eyes you have ever seen. The guy who they belong to, seems to be taken by your eyes as well.

"Uh...yeah a little. I'm Luke." he says never leaving your gaze.

"Y/N. Nice to meet you." you answer still looking at him. You seem to be locked on each other's eyes, mesmerized by them for some reason. It's only the bell ringing that snaps you both out of it.

Throughout the class, you pass notes like how kids do in primary school. He has you giggling like a little girl and you don't know what's up with you. You've never acted this way because of a guy. But you kind of like it. The next note he passes you says, "You're adorable :)" You feel yourself blush and hope he isn't looking at you.

Below his message you write, "Thanks...I love your eyes. They're so blue!" You pass the paper back and watch him read it. He smiles, then looks up and at you before writing his reply. He hesitates for a second then finishes writing and slides the paper onto your desk without looking.

The paper is folded this time. You open it and you have to stop yourself from letting out a laugh. His reply is, "I love yours too. ...This may be old school, but will you go on a date with me? I think you're cool. Check yes or no. o YES  o NO" You look over at him and he's looking at his desk nervously. You think it's so cute that he did such an elementary move. He tries to sneak a glance over at you but he sees you're looking and quickly looks away.

You check the box that says yes, of course. He's easy on the eyes and you want to get to know him better. You add a little something and imitate him sliding the note back onto his desk. You watch out of the corner of your eye as he carefully opens it and reads, "Who cares if it's old school? This made you ten times more cute than you already are. ;)" He covers up his smile as he starts to write but the bell rings. 

"Well now that class is over, I guess we can talk again." he says standing up. 

"Yeah. ...But really, I would love to go out on a date with you. It sounds like fun." you say walking out with him. 

"Good, I think so too. I'll take you out to eat and we can go see a movie after." he suggests. You love it. Typical first date, but that's fine by you. 

"Great! You won't drag me to a scary one, will you?" 

"Maybe. But I'll protect you from the scary monsters, don't worry." He winks and playfully nudges your arm. 

"Ha ha. So when do you wanna do this?" you ask. 

"How's tonight?" he returns. 

"Perfect. No homework since it's only the first day. I'm in." you say smiling. 

"Awesome. Is 6:00 okay to pick you up?" 

"Yeah that should work. You have your own car?..." you question. He should be only 16 like you, barely having his license. 

"No, my parent's car. But I can use it so we'll have some privacy." You get butterflies just thinking about it. Completely alone with a guy you barely know from one of your classes? It'll be an interesting night. 

"Okay. Here, let me write down my address real quick." you say going to get out paper and a pen. 

He stops your hand, "Nah just text it to me. Let me give you my number." You don't object and hand him your phone. He presses some buttons and gives it back. "Just send me something so that I'll know it's you." 

"Will do. ...I should probably get to second period. See you tonight, Luke." you say about to turn around. 

"Wait, let me walk you. I don't care if I'm late." he says gently touching your arm. Your heart jumps at his touch. 

"Um..okay, wow. Thanks. That's awfully nice of you." you say thrown off. 

"No problem. Let's go." He takes your hand and intertwines your fingers. Normally you wouldn't let someone you've only known for a class period hold your hand like that walking in the hallway, but you trust him. So he walks you to your class with just enough time to spare. 

During your next class you don't pay much attention either, because you're thinking about him. He took your breath away at first sight and you have his cellphone number and are going on a date with him that night. Nothing like this has happened to you before and you wonder where it will lead you. 

You decide to send him a text. You know the perfect message so that he'll know it's you. It says, "Is this a cutie with blue eyes named Luke? Check yes or no. ;)" You can picture his reaction in his class, covering his mouth to keep from laughing out loud. 

A few minutes later he answers with, "Depends. Is this the beautiful-eyed angel named Y/N that I walked to class minutes ago?" You continue texting in class for the rest of the school day and by the time you're on your way home to get ready for your date, you begin to think that you may never pay attention in school again, all because of that blue-eyed boy from first period math.

A/N: Thanks for reading, lovelies! I know it's shorter than normal but with school starting up again, I don't have as much time as I would like for writing. I'm still going to post on my normal schedule, but the chapters will be shorter sometimes. I'm also still taking requests so don't forget to send those in. Only 2 more before I can do another RW! I'm thinking of turning this theme into part 1 of a mini series, Let me know what you think in the comments :) Until tomorrow, take care lovelies <3 xx

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