Christmas! (Michael)

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(AN: Don't click the video until you are finished!)

"Michael, can you please get back to work and stop playing the games?" you ask trying to hold back laughter. You and Michael work at GameStop together and every day he gets distracted by the new games that come in, and plays them instead of restocking shelves like he is supposed to do. Secretly you think it's cute even though you try and come off serious.

"C'mon, just one more round." he whines furiously moving controls.

"Yeah you said that two rounds ago. C'mon, I need you to put that cart of games where they go. They just got shipped in today." You gesture to the big rolling cart filled with merchandise.

"Fine. ...You know I thought having my girlfriend for my boss would get me more perks than responsibilities." he comments trudging along to the cart and rolling it down the first aisle.

"Yeah, yeah less sulking, more shelving." you say organizing behind the counter.

"Is shelving even a word?" Michael asks.

"Sure it is, now work." you say. Today is the day before Christmas Eve and you wanted everything restocked just in time for the holiday rush.

"Yes, ma'am." You chuckle. That is what he would say to you if there were customers or other employees around, but there was no one else there for the moment.

"Mikey, there's no one around anymore." you assure him.

"Oh thank God. Well now that I know that, can I talk to you about Christmas?" he asks moving on to the second aisle.

"Sure. You're still coming over on Christmas Day for dinner, right?" you wonder.

"Yeah, that's the plan. But um...what are you doing tomorrow?" he says.

"Uh I don't know. I don't think I have plans right now. Why?" you reply.

"Well I just thought that maybe we could hang out, just the two of us. Since we'll be with your family the next day." he explains.

"Oh okay. Well yeah that sounds awesome. What do you wanna do?" you ask. He moves to the third aisle and doesn't say anything for a minute.

"I'm not sure yet. I just want to be with you." Aw!

"Okay that's fine. You have your sweet moments, Mikey." you smile even though he can't see you.

"Oh I can be sweet. Trust me." he says. Well for the two and a half years you have been together, he hasn't done or said very many sweet things to you. He just isn't that kind of guy to be really mushy. You have kind of come to terms with it so it doesn't really bother you anymore. You're happy that he at least says he loves you.

Michael finishes restocking the shelves and you get things behind the counter squared away by the time your shifts are done. When you clock out, you decide to go grab some pizza before going home. You frequently did this when you had same shifts and they were perfect times to have an impromptu date night. Either that, or you would go over to his apartment and play video games. You find it funny that no matter how many times you beat him at Mario Kart (every time), he still plays with you.

"So have you thought about what we might do tomorrow?" you ask him.

"Uh...probably just play some video games or something." he says, then takes a huge bite of pizza. When he puts it down, he has marinara sauce all over his chin, mouth, upper lip. and lower cheeks. You can't help but laugh out loud. "What's so funny?" he asks mouth still halfway full.

You laugh even harder and grab some napkins. "You have sauce all over your face, babe!" you get out between laughs. You start wiping the whole lower half of his face and he laughs now.

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