He is With You During a Thunderstorm (Ashton)

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"Ashton, c'mon! I want a turn!" you whine loudly over your boyfriend's drumming. He ignores you and just plays louder giving you a smirk. You now try and wrestle the sticks out of his hands, and it takes a while but you eventually get them.

"Okay, okay fine. Here you go, sweetie." Ashton says getting up from the seat. You squeal and sit down, getting in position. He has been giving you lessons for a few weeks and you have practiced at home too. You are dying to impress him. He giggles at your squeal. "Whenever you're ready."

You begin drumming, using the skills that Ashton has taught you. As you play, pulling the same faces that he often does, Ashton smiles fondly at you. He was flattered when you asked him to teach you the drums over a seasoned pro. It turns out he has been doing a great job. You are killing it and he feels so proud of you. Before you know it, you will be playing like him. ...Maybe. He is pretty good.

In the middle of your playing, it gets louder. But that couldn't possibly be true. It quiets down again, then gets loud again. Then he thinks of it and knows what's happening. "Y/N, stop! Listen!" he shouts. You stop and listen, and then you hear it: thunder. You look at each other in excitement.

"Yes!! Thunderstorm! You thinking what I'm thinking?" you say.

"Oh yeah! C'mon, let's head upstairs." Ashton says. You get up and run with him up from your basement to go to the sliding porch door and watch the storm together.

You and Ashton love thunderstorms. You like to try and take cool lightning pictures and like when the thunder is really big and loud. Once at the door, Ashton puts his arm around you and kisses your temple. You look out and watch the rain and random lightning flashes, feeling right at home. But after a few minutes, you find yourselves bored.

All of a sudden, you open the sliding door and run outside, into the pouring rain, thunder, and lightning shouting, "Wheeeeeeee!!!"

"Y/N!! Are you crazy??" Ashton screams after you as you run around the yard with your arms out.

"This is so fun, Ash!! Come out!" you scream back. There is a huge clap of thunder and it is only because you are out there in it, that Ashton jumps at the sound and looks up at the black sky.

"Y/N it's too dangerous to be out in the open in a storm, you're gonna get struck by lightning and die, and then my life will be over!!" Ashton protests.

"Pleeeeeease!? I'll love you forever!" you beg. He knows it's dangerous, but admittedly it looks pretty fun out there.

"Alright, here I come!!" he shouts before running out and closing the door.

The rain pelts both of you and within a few seconds Ashton is now soaking wet with you. He chases you around the yard, you squealing running away from him. He reaches you finally and picks you up around your waist from behind, and lifts you so he can spin you around in circles.

"Ash, I'm dizzy! Put me down!" you shout after a minute. He laughs and puts you down, then you say "I think we should head in now. I'm wrinkling!"

"No!" he exclaims. He runs away from you to the other end of the yard.

"C'mon, I'm serious! It's cold!" you urge.

"No!" he shouts again. This time, he takes his shirt off.

"Babe, c'mon! I'm not kidding!" you whine. "If you don't go inside with me right now, I'm gonna take off my shirt!" you threaten. He stops running and snaps his head up. You knew that would work.

"Oooooh no. No one is gonna see you in a bra except for me!!" he shouts running towards you. He swoops you up in his arms and runs with you back to the door.

When you get there, he is about to open it when you say, "Wait! Put me down for a second." He does and looks at you confused. "There's something I've always wanted to do in a storm with you." You stretch up to his face and give him a kiss in the rain, with thunder in the background. He happily consents and holds your face pulling you closer. You both smile into the kiss and then pull apart, you still on your toes.

"You are such a cheesy romantic, babe." Ashton says. He kisses your forehead then opens the door for you.

"And you aren't, Mr. Gentleman?" you ask gesturing to the door and going inside. He laughs and follows you in closing the door again.

"Come on, let's get some towels. You look freezing." he says taking your hand. He walks you to the bathroom and hands you two towels, one for your body and one for your hair. "I'll get you pajamas to change into, be right back." He grabs your favorite matching shirt and pants and takes them to you before closing the door.

While you change, he dries himself off and changes into sweatpants deciding to go shirtless, before getting some blankets and putting them on the couch. He then goes to the kitchen and makes hot cocoa for both of you. More than anything, Ashton loves taking care of you. His highest priority is you and your comfort. Plus he knows you love cuddling with blankets and hot cocoa so he thought he would surprise you.

As he is stirring your cup, you come out of the bathroom and into the living room, your body dry and in fresh pajamas, and your hair wet as if you just showered. You look to Ashton in the kitchen and he gives you a warm smile. "Hey there, beautiful."

"Hey. ...Do I smell hot chocolate?" you ask returning the smile and walking to the counter.

"Yes you do. I made some for us. We can have it while we watch a movie. How's that sound?" he asks.

"Awesome. Thank you, sweetie." you say. He comes and hands you your mug, kissing your cheek.

"You're welcome, babe. C'mon, let's cuddle." he says walking to the couch. You go with him and sit, getting under the blankets and snuggling into Ashton's side. He jumps ever so slightly at the cold touch of your wet hair to his bare skin.

He puts his arm around you and leans his head onto yours as he scrolls through Netflix. He picks a random movie you both have never seen and starts it, getting comfortable beside you and taking a sip of his cocoa. The movie goes on for only a few minutes before you speak up. "Thank you for everything."

He pauses the movie and asks, "What do you mean?"

"You do so much for me when you don't have to. You're such a gentleman. You never fail to make me feel like the most loved person on earth. I love you more than anything. I don't know what I would do without you." you confess.

Ashton turns to you and says, "I want to do all those things. I love you so freaking much, Y/N. All I want is for you to be happy. With me, preferably." You laugh at his addition and he joins in. You don't respond but go in for a kiss instead and he takes it.

"I am. And I would like to be happy with you for as long as I can." you say hugging his side.

He hugs you back saying, "Good. I do too." He kisses your head, then resumes the movie and lets you snuggle back into him.

You end the night finishing the movie and having some ice cream before going to bed. You climb in and go under the covers, laying your head on Ashton's warm and bare chest as he embraces you.

You say your goodnights and I love yous as usual, but as you are about to drift off to sleep, you say "Ashton...never let me go."

He doesn't answer right away because he was really close to falling asleep as well. But when he does, he says "I wouldn't ever dream of it."

Those are the last words spoken or heard before both of you fall asleep; the only sounds in the house being your breathing, and the thunderstorm still going on outside your bedroom window. Ashton doesn't know about you, but the last thought he has before he falls asleep is, I cannot wait to marry her some day. and he hopes that it is yours too.

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