They Talk About You in a Band Interview (Ashton)

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For the past few months, you have been Ashton's girlfriend. But the thing is, no one except the guys and his family know about it. You wants to keep it under the radar until you are comfortable enough to go public. You do hang out in public, quite frequently, but you never show PDA. Still, fans see you as his girlfriend anyway even though he hasn't confirmed it.

Every interview since you started dating, the interviewer has asked who in the group is single, and Ashton has always raised his hand along with the rest of the guys. You are partly okay with it and partly not. You're tired of keeping secrets, and you are tired of not even being able to hold his hand in public. But this is how he wants things right now, and you can't blame him. Tons of love and also hate would be coming your way at warp speed once the fans found out.

Today is another interview, but this time you are there listening backstage. Ashton always did so well in interviews. He took charge a lot of the time and seemed really confident. But today he's on the quieter side and he seems a little anxious. Then it gets to the portion he always dreads.

The interviewer asks how many of them are single, and since you're only listening and can't see anything, you assume that like always, he raised his hand. However, you hear the guy say, "Ooooh Ashton is there something you wanna tell us?"

Your eyes widen. Why didn't he say he's single like normal? "Yeah uh..I've actually been seeing someone for about 3 months but we didn't want to say anything until we felt we were in a really good place and..I think we are."

Now you understand. A few nights ago, you were having a night in, just curled up on the couch being with each other. It had been silent for a while but it wasn't uncomfortable. You were just in each other's arms breathing in and out, and you were listening to Ashton's heartbeat.

He broke the silence after a while saying, "I think I'm completely comfortable with you."

You smiled even though he couldn't see you and answered, "Me too. If this is just the beginning, I love where we're at. I can't wait to see where we go."

"Yeah. We're in a good place." he said placing a kiss on top of your head. You then ended up falling asleep like that, feeling the most relaxed you had ever felt.

It was that conversation that must have motivated him to speak up. You were incredibly happy. You decided to listen in on the interview again before you missed too much, and decided to move closer yo the stage, close enough that you could see him. It sounded like he still didn't say who it was.

"She's someone I've known for years and has always been a great friend of mine. In fact, fans have already been saying we're probably together." he hints.

"Ah so you are dating Y/N!" the interviewer says.

"Yes I am. And actually she's here today. I bet she's surprised." Ashton says looking in your direction but not seeing you.

"Well as long as you two are happy, the fans should be too." the guys smiling.

"Yeah we're very happy. We're in a really good place. I love her so much." he says before he realizes what happened.

"Forgetting where you are, you run out and ask, "You do?" He looks at you with his mouth slightly open. Then he finally finds his voice.

"I do. ..I love you, Y/N." he says coming over to you taking your hands. 

Tears form in your eyes because you have been wanting to tell him you love him for a few weeks, and now you could. "I love you too, Ash." you say before you both can't take it and hug right there as the guys applaud.

You don't care that an interview is going on. You pull away and kiss him. You look into each other's eyes and he seems to be saying, "You're prepared for what comes next right?" Meaning the support and the hate combined.

You then nod your head at him as if to say, "Let's take it on together." He smiles at you and you then remember where you are and run backstage to watch the rest of the interview. He laughs and goes back to his seat.

It is now official that you and Ashton Irwin are in love. You feel so unbelievably happy and relieved that from now on, there will be no more secrets. You can go out and not have to worry about being affectionate. It will be a challenge dealing with the disapproval from fans but with Ashton by your side, you know you'll be okay.

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