Thanksgiving! (Michael)

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Grabbing your purse, you leave your bedroom to say goodbye to your parents before you leave for Michael's house. Remarkably, he was able to get his parents to allow you to have Thanksgiving dinner with them. You see, you may be Michael's girlfriend and have been with him for seven months, but for a reason you have never known, his parents do not like you. Even Michael doesn't know. You are both hoping that today will be the start of turning things around.

"I'm leaving, mom!" you call into the kitchen. Both her and your dad come out and hug you.

"Are you sure you don't want to have Michael come here instead?" your mom asks.

"Yeah, I gotta see about somehow getting on his parents' good side. I won't be home too late." you say heading to the door.

"Okay, but if you change your mind don't even call. Just come on over." your dad says.

"Thanks, dad. See you later, bye." You wave and go out the door hearing your parents say goodbye before you close it and go to the car.

While getting situated, you think over what could come of today. It could potentially be a great day but could also be terrible if Mr. and Mrs. Clifford are being as stubborn as usual. You do know that you are going to tread very lightly and think about everything you say before you do or say anything. The last thing you want is to say something wrong and have it trigger an argument.

Before starting the drive over, you text Michael you're leaving. If you are lucky he will talk to his parents before you get there and tell them to be nice to you. I mean you're sure he will but whether or not they will listen to him is another story.

Not only has he talked to them multiple times, but he has tried to find out why they don't like you and they won't say a word. They keep saying they "just don't" and that it isn't anything specific, they just don't get a good feeling about me. But maybe spending some time with them and being as nice as possible will get them to change their feelings.

During the two minute drive, you go through what you are going to say to them in your head. How you are going to try and smile the whole time and make sure you never look like you are in a bad mood. The closer you get, the more nervous you feel. Your palms are sweating and your heart is beating abnormally fast. After all this time, you shouldn't feel like this about seeing your boyfriend's parents.

The house appears and you pull in the driveway. From the car you can see Michael heading to the door. With a deep breath, you get out and walk up the path. Once you get close enough, the door opens and Michael leads you in. Looking around you don't see either of his parents.

"Hey, Mikey." You hug him really tight.

"Hey, Y/N...I can feel you shaking. Are you okay?" he asks hushed.

"Yeah just nervous beyond belief." He lets go and puts his hands on your shoulders.

"Relax, babe. It will be alright." he says. His eyes look behind you which tells you one or both of his parents have entered.

You turn around and greet them. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford! Thanks for having me over." You used your most polite tone and gave them both a warm smile for added effect.

To that, Mrs. Clifford responds, "Our pleasure." in no tone in particular. Great start.

"Dinner is ready now if you are hungry." Mr. Clifford adds. Again in a neutral tone. This will be a long dinner.

"Great! Everything smells delicious." you compliment. Michael smiles at your kindness.

"Thank you." You see that the two of them have already gotten their plates and are sitting at the table digging in before you and Michael even have plates in your hands. Once in the kitchen, you whisper to him, "Obviously some people want me in and out quickly."

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