Requests Week #4: For Kaleigh (Calum)

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The girl who cries wolf every day

Ignored by gravity but in the end

Don't ask why

You say you wanna

But do you wanna run away

A great escape, oh yeah

You are in your bedroom, sitting in your window, looking out at the street and the beautiful sunny day. Every once in a while a car will go by. The occasional horn sounds. You see the trees moving in the wind, and listen to the sound of birds singing their little songs. But mostly you notice the children playing. Them running around chasing each other, talking, laughing, and not having a care in the world. What they have yet to learn, is that they have it easy.

As these children get older, life is going to get so much more complicated. The homework will get harder, teachers will get more unbearable, and making and keeping friends will become almost impossible. People get you to thinking that you are important to them. That you have significance in their life. In turn, these people actually do become significant in your life. But then when you need them, when you need a friend to help you or simply be there for support, it's as if you never had them in the first place.

Is anyone there at all?


Unfortunately, this is pretty much all you have known. People in your life have come and gone, no one sticking around long term. Although there is one person who hasn't totally given up on you, and that's your friend Calum. He isn't around all the time, but he is with you whenever he can be. You have managed to hold onto him for two years. He is a year older than you but he is as close as you have ever gotten to a best friend and probably will ever get. Although truth be told, you really like him. Like he would ever see you that way though. No guy ever has.

Still, when Calum is with you, things seem to get a little bit brighter. You temporarily forget about everything stressing you out, and just talk and laugh with him as if nothing could ever be wrong again. Most days Calum just has to show up at your door and tell you a funny story about his day, and you will feel better in a minute. But sometimes, on days like today, even Calum isn't able to make it all better.

Is anyone there at all?


Nothing brought it on, but at the moment you feel simply alone. You aren't alone in the literal sense; your parents are in the house. But that doesn't take away the emptiness you feel inside you while you look out your window at the sunny day, and see only the clouds. With only one person outside of family who you can call a friend, feeling alone is a pretty recurrent thing. However today, is the worst you have ever felt. Today there is a deep sadness that came with the loneliness, and you can't seem to shake it.

Is anyone there at all?


You lean your head back against the window frame and close your eyes. Only one thought enters your mind, in the form of a question. ...

What am I doing here?

You only have one friend, who you want more with but it will never happen, a family you are close with by no means, and school is burying you with work from teachers who are straight up assholes. Your belongings aren't even that much if you think about it. ...It seems so simple. You don't have to just sit here and take being alone and unhappy.

I could leave....

...I could go away.

You spring up off of your window and grab your backpack, dumping your school things out of it. You put in the bare essentials, plus your phone charger and a few sets of clothes. Who cares if you are still a minor? Who cares that you should be going to school? People drop out. People can get a job without a high school diploma. And if completely necessary, you can always get a GED from some place that isn't this washed up town.

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