He Surprises You For Your Birthday (Calum)

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You wake up at the sound of your phone alarm...but you don't remember setting your alarm. You go to turn off your phone when you see a post it note stuck to your screen. It is clearly your fiance's writing.

"Hey, future Mrs. Hood! Yes, I set your alarm. Happy 22nd Birthday, Y/N. ;* Instead of giving you your present, I'm making you search for it. This is your first clue: Go to the place where I asked you to be my girlfriend 4 years ago..."

Laughing at the scavenger hunt he decided to give you your present with, you quickly throw on leggings, one of his sweaters, and your beautiful engagement ring before heading out. You knew exactly where he asked you out, but you were trying to figure out how he was going to leave a post it note there.

You reach your destination and park. Where he had asked you out was under this specific lamp post. You get out of your car and go to it wondering where your next clue could be. As you get closer you see a bright yellow square stuck on the side of the post. You take it off and read your next clue.

"Good job, sweetie! Glad you remember the day you became mine as well as I do. :) For your next clue, go to the location of our first kiss. Good luck getting it ;)" it reads. You smile thinking about the moment in your mind. It wasn't on a date and it wasn't even in public. It was at your house, on the roof to be exact. You were sitting under the stars and the moment was perfect.

You head back to your house and when you get there, you find a ladder set up for you to get on the roof. At least he wasn't making it impossible for you. You slowly climb up the ladder and step onto the top of your home. It is in the exact spot where you two sat, where the post it note is stuck on the shingles. You laugh quietly to yourself while you walk over to the note and pick it up.

"Hey you were able to get it! Proud of you, baby. For your third and final clue that will lead to your present, you will have to go to the place where I proposed to you a few months ago. xx <3" it reads. That was the single best day of your life. To know Calum wanted to spend the rest of his life with you was the best feeling. The setting was so romantic and it would be interesting to see where he put the third clue.

You get back in your car and think about this wild goose chase Cal sent you on. Out, to your house, and out again. Whatever this present is, it must be something great. You keep driving until you get to the beach. He proposed to you on the sand in the middle of the beach....where could this clue be?

You get out of the car and go down to the shore. You walk along it, enjoying the water splashing onto your feet and not really looking for the clue at the moment. However, as you get close to the far end of the shore, you see a faint yellow spot on the dock.

You go to the dock and sure enough on one of the dock posts, there's your third and final clue. "Nice eye, sexy. All you have to do to find your present is walk to the end of the dock where there is a box which contains your present. There's also one last note inside. ;D" it reads.

You then run to the end of the dock when you turn around and see the box. You open the box and there is an envelope. You open that and you don't believe what's inside. There are 2 tickets to the next Warped Tour!!!!

The note says, "SURPRISE!!! I know how much you wanted to go to Warped this year so I got tickets for us to go next month. I hope you like it, and I love you so much. Now turn around and come give the best fiancé in the world, a big hug and kiss. ;) <3 xoxo"

You turn around and at the other end of the dock you see Calum standing there with his arms open wide. With the tickets and post it notes in hand, you run full speed towards your fiancé and jump into his arms, wrapping your legs around him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Cal!! I love this present so much!"

"You're welcome, baby. I love you too much to deprive you of seeing your favorite bands. And my favorites too." he says with a chuckle setting you down. "Did you notice there were 4 clues, one for each year we've been together?"

"Yes, very clever. I can't believe you put this together for me. I have to be the luckiest girl in the world to be the future Mrs. Hood." you say smiling up at him.

"Y/N, I am the lucky one. And I love you so much. I'll always love you. You're my everything." Calum says with tears in his eyes.

"I love you more, Calum. You're my everything. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." you say, also getting tears in your eyes.

You hug each other tight before sharing a passionate kiss. This scavenger hunt was the perfect way to start your birthday and you know the day will only get better if Calum has anything to do with it.

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