Requests Week #1: For Jo (Calum)

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All weekend you have been locked away in your bedroom, studying for your big chemistry test on Monday. Of all the school subjects, science and math are your weaknesses and chemistry is the two combined. So in other words, Hell. You've been going over all your notes and working problems over and over, trying to remember everything. After three days you haven't made much progress.

You feel like giving up but know you can't. Your grade on this test will determine whether or not you pass the class and whether or not you will graduate in May. You're starting to really freak out because you can't remember anything and you're on the verge of tears. You know what you have to do. You call your boyfriend Calum telling him to come over. Originally you wanted him to not contact you all weekend so that you could focus, but now you need him for comfort before you have a breakdown.

He doesn't live too far away so within minutes he's knocking on your bedroom door. You open it and don't even let him say hi. You ram into his body and squeeze it like there's no tomorrow. You feel a calm immediately rush over you at his touch, but it doesn't last for long. "Well hello to you." Calum says laughing, "How's the studying coming? I thought you wouldn't want to see me until tomorrow."

"I thought so too but it's been three days and I don't remember shit. The test is tomorrow and I don't know anything so I'm gonna fail it and fail the class and not graduate and we won't be able to go to college together and get our own place and--" you ramble. Calum stops you.

"Jo, babe, calm down. C'mon, sit with me." He leads you to your bed and sits you down. He takes your hand. "You are one of the smartest people I know. Your grades are perfect and I know that chemistry is your one bad class, but I believe you can do this. You know all this stuff, you're just trying too hard to remember. Let me help you. I promise I won't be distracting. I'll stay up with you all night if I have to, to make sure you feel confident about it all. Plus I'll give you some fun break times here and there." he says winking.

Now that made you feel better. "Don't worry, we're gonna get to do everything you just said. Trust me. What do you say?"

Calum has always had the magic words to make you feel at ease. "Okay, let's get to work." you say feeling more confident. He smiles and gives you a kiss before you go back to your desk.

You got back to studying at around 2pm and took your first break at 5:30 for dinner. Calum treated you to your favorite restaurant and after a few hours you had remembered more than you did before. All Calum had to do was tell you to relax, and just be there with you. His presence alone was soothing.

At around 7:00 you resumed and by 9:00 you actually felt 100% confident in everything you looked over. You would be able to get a full night's sleep so your mind could be fresh for the test. It was all thanks to Calum. You really don't know what you would do without him.

"I think you're ready. You're gonna ace that test, Jo." he says hugging you.

"I think so too. Thank you so much, Cal. Because of you I'm gonna not only ace the test, but pass the class." He pulls away and looks down at you.

"And graduate in May." he says backing you up towards your bed.

"And we can go to college together." you say as you go slowly on your back onto your bed. Calum hovers over you.

"And get our own place. So that we can do this more often." he says before leaning down, kissing you. You happily oblige seeing as this is another form of stress relief about the test. You start making out and it gets heated quickly as usual. Before you know it, his shirt is off and he picks you up putting you against the wall.

He moves from your lips to your neck and at this moment, you're so glad your parents are out of town and that it's still early, because you know what's about to happen. You both strip down and have the most magical night you've had in a long time. He ends up staying the night and waking up next to you in the morning, able to wish you luck on your test before you leave.

All of Calum's stress relieving paid off because you got an A+. That night you celebrated by getting takeout and watching movies curled up together. It got to be almost midnight and you said reluctantly, "Okay it's late and a school night. You should head home, babe."

"Aw, but I don't wanna go. Your parents still aren't back so I could stay over again." he says leaving a trail of soft kisses on your neck. He knows your weakness.

"I don't know... I mean there's no reason for you to stay. ....Although I do have a calculus test in a few days that you could start helping me with." You barely finish your sentence and Calum has picked you up and started running with you to your room.

Laughing your head off, you end another night perfectly with your goofball and thank him again for helping you with your studying. As always, Calum was right there when you needed him and it's been that way for the last 4 years. Hopefully he'll be around to help you study for your tests in college the next 4 years. But you're fairly confident he will be.

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