You're in a 5SOS Music Video (Luke)

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You arrive on set, not really sure what to expect. This is 5 Seconds of Summer's first professional 'proper' music video and you wonder what the concept will be. You watched their YouTube videos a little bit and you have started to become a fan, so when you heard they were doing a video for She Looks So Perfect and they needed extras, you jumped at the chance. You hoped you would get to meet them and maybe even interact with them in the video.

You are sent to wardrobe first to get your outfit. You're given a plaid flannel and short shorts, and go to change when they stop you. They then hand you a bra and matching underwear. You're really confused but take them anyway and go to completely change your clothes. You're starting to wonder if at some point you'll be seen with just the undergarments. Would the band see you half naked?

You have the bra and underwear on and are putting your shorts on when the bathroom door quickly opens and you hurriedly cover your body with the flannel, remembering now that you forgot to lock the door. You stare wide eyed at none other than Luke Hemmings who walked in on you changing.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" he says quickly going back out the door and closing it behind him. You are frozen where you are for a minute trying to process that encounter. It happened so fast you aren't sure if it actually happened or if it was really him and not someone else. You finish getting dressed and cautiously walk out and head to makeup.

Once your makeup is done and they do your hair in a simple ponytail, you're all ready for filming. All of the extras are gathered together and divided up. There are multiple locations for parts of the video that don't include the band and the main set where the band is set up. You are hoping to be on the main set, of course. That's the only way you'll be able to meet them. As people are being divided, you are placed in the classroom group. You're let down but go over to that group anyway, grateful to be in the video at all.

The director starts placing more people, when Luke comes over and whispers in his ear. He looks at you while he does, and you quickly look away. You look back and Luke is walking back to the set. The director then says, "Okay um...Y/N?" Your head perks up. "When you're done filming in the classroom, you'll be reporting to the main stage for filming as well."

You couldn't believe it. Did Luke really ask to have you where he and the band are? You look over there and Luke is looking at you again. He winks and your heart leaps. You look away before he can catch you blushing. Everyone is divided up so you all go your separate ways to start.

You get to your set and it's not too big. A simple classroom with desks, posters and bulletin boards on the walls, and a black chalkboard and that says Physics 101 on it, among other things. You are all placed around the 'room' and are told what you are supposed to do. At one point, you will all start taking off your clothes so that you are only left dancing around in your undergarments. Did you predict that, or what? You do a few takes fully clothed, looking bored. Then one girl takes off her shirt and drops it on the floor. The last takes are different shots of everyone stripping and at one point you see a camera come right in front of you as you expose your bra. You wonder if they'll even use it.

It isn't long before you're done and everyone in your group is done for the day, except for you. You're told to put your clothes back on and go to the main stage where everyone is waiting for you. Dressed again, you arrive back on the band set and there are people on the balconies, 5SOS on the floor with their instruments messing around. When you walk to the director Luke looks up and finds you, smiling.

The director tells you which balcony to go on and that everyone will be given the cue when to strip. But after stripping, you'll be throwing your clothes off the balcony and they will fall on and around the band. You think the video will turn out to be hilarious. You go up to your balcony and you can't help but feel eyes on you. Looking down at the band, you see Luke looking up. You think he may be looking at you so you do a little wave towards him. To your delight, he waves back.

The shoot starts and everyone dances to the music. At the chorus, the director shouts the cue and everyone starts taking off clothes all over the place. You take off your shorts first and throw them off, purposely trying to have them fall on Luke. They fall next to him instead so you try harder with your shirt. You nonchalantly aim for his head and it hits his shoulder because he's moving around so much. Either way he looks up at you, probably assuming it was you and you stick your tongue out. He smiles while lip syncing and goes back to the camera.

After going through to the end of the song, they set their instruments down and stand in a line, going to unbutton their pants. Everyone cheers and as they're about to pull their pants down the director says cut. The girls all whine and they laugh. "That's a wrap, everyone! Great work!" the director says. Everyone applauds and all the extras go to get changed and leave. You're back on the floor, walking in only a bra and underwear to put your clothes back on and head out when someone grabs your hand from behind you.

You turn around and it's Luke's beautiful blue eyes staring into yours. "Hey, I wanted to say I think you're really pretty." he says shyly. "And I'm sorry again for walking in on you earlier."

"It's okay, really. I mean you're seeing me now...And thank you. I appreciate you getting me onto the main set." He looks you up and down realizing that he's talking to you normally in the same state you were in the bathroom. His eyes get big and you laugh. "Anyway, it was great getting to meet you. You guys are so talented."

"Uh..thanks. And uh no problem with the set thing. I just uh..wanted to make sure I met you. Do you think maybe we could..uh..hang out one day?" he asks. It's adorable how nervous he is.

"Aw...I would love to hang out with you. That would be a lot of fun. Here, I'll give you my number." You decided you would have to be the bold one. He takes out his phone and you take it and save your number as SLSP Girl. You give it back and he laughs at the name.

"What? I can't know your real name?" he asks.

"Okay, fine. It's Y/N. Text me so we can make a plan. I gotta get changed and go home. But I'll see you sometime, Luke." You go for a hug and he slowly puts his arms around you and gives you a good squeeze.

"Okay, talk to you soon, Y/N." You pull away and smile before turning around to go to the hair and makeup room where you left your clothes. Again, you feel eyes on you as you walk away and before you get out of earshot you hear the other guys cheering and saying things like, "You did it, mate!" "She's hot, way to go!" and "Do you think she would have a friend for me?" You change and head home, making plans with Luke to hang out on the way.

You end up meeting at a restaurant a couple days later to get to know each other over dinner. You hit it off and go on a few more dates before he asks you to be his girlfriend. You accept and you continue to date him through every other music video they ever do. He gets you to be an extra for Amnesia, Good Girls, and even She's Kinda Hot. Needless to say, you've dated for a really long time. You're fairly confident he will be yours forever. And you can't help but wonder where you would be if Luke had never walked in on you changing in the bathroom....

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