New Years Eve! (Luke)

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The screams of the people surrounding you, fill your ears. You are at none other than Times Square in New York City for New Years Eve. You have watched the ball drop on television every year but this is your first time being at Times Square in person to ring in the new year. Not only that, but this is the first time you have a boyfriend to ring in the new year with. In fact it is all because of your boyfriend Luke that you got to come here in the first place.

Luke has always wanted to see the ball drop in person and when he found out that you also wanted to, it was decided that you would go together and get there early enough that you would be able to be at the very front behind the barricade. It would be the best view anyone could have, plus you would have a near 100% chance of getting on TV. You were hopefully going to get it.

You got in Times Square around noon after having an early lunch and already there were people waiting. You managed to get the spot in the front that you wanted and decided to tough it out, vowing to stay there until midnight. All day, you took turns going to get food and going to the bathroom just so you never lost your place. It got tedious after a few hours and your legs were killing you from alternating between sitting and standing, but you pulled through with each other's company.

Now it is dark outside and the TV broadcast has been going on for a while. "What time is it now?" you shout in Luke's ear for the millionth time.

"11:50, babe. Almost time." he answers with a chuckle. At least you only had to wait ten more minutes now. You're just so excited to finally share a New Years kiss with someone and can't take much more waiting.

"Okay good." You look around you at Times Square all lit up and the ball waiting to be dropped and then up at your boyfriend who must care a great deal about you if he was willing to be out in the cold for twelve hours only to wait for a ball to drop. "It may have been a long day, but I'm so glad we did this."

He turns to you looking down. "Me too. It was definitely worth it. I get to kiss the prettiest girl at midnight in front of the whole country." he smiles.

You laugh and he pulls you into him kissing the top of your head and wrapping his arms around you. He must know you are cold because he tightens his grip around you and doesn't let go for a while. You enjoy the warmth of his embrace as you watch events continue to unfold in the square, the minutes slowly counting down. You also think about what a great year 2015 has been.

It was this year that you started dating Luke, back in July. Ever since, you have been so incredibly happy. Generally you have always been a happy person, but when Luke entered the picture, your world became even brighter. He makes you feel more confident every day, he lights up any room with his smile, and you can tell with every hug and kiss that he cares for you so much. Without him, you do not know how 2015 would have gone for you.

Through with your thinking, you snap out of it and hear someone say that it is one minute to midnight. You pull away slightly from Luke and look up at him to see if he heard too. He seems to have, because he shouts "Get ready, Y/N!" over all the people around you. You turn around away from him and he wraps his arms around you from behind. People have already started counting out loud and you can see the numbers appearing one by one on the screen.

Slowly, the seconds go down and they are finally in the twenties. You feel Luke bend down and set his chin on top of your head at the twenty second mark. Now you both count out loud and get louder and louder with each number. At ten, you take his arms out from around you and turn to face him. Each number following, you count down looking in each other's eyes and after one, you quickly turn around so you can finally see the ball drop right in front of you.

The area around you erupts and confetti is flying everywhere. The ball drops and it looks so much cooler in person. You turn around and Luke smiles so big at you. He glances to his right and sees a camera coming straight for you so he grabs hold of your waist and pulls you into him for a great big kiss to start 2016, that hopefully the camera caught and would be on TV. New York, New York by Frank Sinatra begins playing.

"Happy New Year, Y/N." he says still holding you. "Here's to a great year ahead for us. ...I love you." He never told you that before, and he did it in probably the very first minute of the new year in Times Square with confetti falling all around you. Maybe that was his plan all along.

"Luke...I love you too. I know that as long as I have you with me, 2016 is going to be the best year yet. Happy New Year, babe." You kiss once more and Luke takes you in his arms hugging you and swaying to the music. The night ends with Luke taking you by the hands and dancing with you to the music playing throughout the square.

How you got so lucky, you can't imagine. But you do know that this is the best New Years Eve you have had so far and you are hoping that you will get to enjoy so many more, with Luke being the person you always get to kiss at midnight.

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