He Surprises You For Your Birthday (Ashton)

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You have been married to your soulmate Ashton Irwin for 2 years. There is no one else better for you than him, and there is no one better for him than you. Today is your birthday and Ashton has the same plan as he does every year. He'll take you out to all of your favorite restaurants throughout the day, spending the remainder of the day at the beach, ending with birthday cake and cuddles at home in front of the TV.

It is the morning of your birthday and you feel like utter crap. You don't know how it happened but somehow you got sick overnight. You're hot, cold, stuffy, and have a terrible headache. This is going to ruin your birthday for you and for Ashton. He gets just as excited if not more excited for your birthday tradition. You look to your left and he isn't there. He must already be getting ready.

You know what you have to do. You have to make it through the day so that the tradition won't be broken. Plus Ashton hates seeing you sick no matter how much he loves taking care of you. You get up with all your might to change out of pajamas and do your hair and makeup. Concealer is gonna be your best friend today. By the time you're ready, Ashton comes back and you put on your best not-sick happy face.

"Good morning, munchkin. Happy birthday!" he says cheerily. You feel bad as he comes over and hugs you, trying not to breathe on him.

"Thanks, Ash. You ready to go?" you say, your voice more hoarse than you would have liked. You clear your throat.

"You okay?" Ashton asks concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine! C'mon, let's head out." you say with a clearer voice. Thank goodness. You head out to breakfast and order your usual. But when your meal comes, looking at it makes you feel nauseated. Still, you force yourself to eat because your body still needs food even if you're sick.Ashton seems to notice your abnormal appetite. "Are you feeling okay, munchkin?" he says looking over at your mostly full plate.

"Yeah I'm just not as hungry today, I guess." you say hoping he buys it.

"Okay...ready to go?" he says hesitantly.​You nod and head out to go to the beach. It's not incredibly hot today which works in your favor.Walking on the shore is actually really relaxing and is clearing your sinuses a little. Everything is going fine until Ashton tries to be affectionate.

"I haven't given you your birthday kiss yet." he says leaning towards you. You panic and decide to let him run after you across the beach. You're both laughing running around and finally you stop and he makes himself place a kiss on your cheek. Then you begin to feel...not so good.

"Babe...your face is turning green." Ashton says cautiously. You try to keep it down but your body isn't having it. You end up vomiting in front of your husband. "Oh my gosh we need to get you home!" he says picking you up and carrying you to the car. You don't object but still feel bad.

On the drive home, Ashton speaks up. "Y/N...why didn't you tell me you were sick? We never would have left the house if I knew."

"I'm sorry, Ash. I just know how much my birthday tradition means to you and that you hate when I'm sick. I didn't wanna ruin today of all days." you say in defense.

"Baby, you're sick. No matter what day it is, you have to stay home. And you know I love taking care of you. I'm sad you're sick, but I think we'll both still be able to enjoy your present." he says winking.

"Ooo can I have it when we get home?!" you ask excited.

"No, you're sleeping when we get home. I'll finish up your present while you sleep." he says. You give in and you arrive at your house once again.

Ashton picks you up and carries you in the house. He takes you to the bedroom and changes you back into pajamas before setting you on the bed. He then puts a bucket next to the bed in case you can't make it to the bathroom. Lastly, he gives you cold/fever medicine before tucking you in. He's an expert at this now.

"Thank you, baby. I love you." you say tiredly.

He smiles and says, "You're welcome, I love you too. By the time you wake up, your present will be ready." You return the smile and that is the last thing you remember before you fall asleep.


You wake up feeling so much better as far as your cold. You're still a little hot with shakes, and your stomach is still in knots. You see that Ashton put your phone on the nightstand and you reach over to look at the time. IT'S 6:00!?!? You slept all day and poor Ashton probably finished your gift hours ago. You feel terrible. You decide to get out of bed and go out to the living room where he probably is, bored out of his mind.

However when you get to the living room, you see Ashton is in the kitchen making something. Without turning around he says "Good evening, munchkin. I heard you coming." He then gestures to the table and says, "Dinner is served." with a big grin.

Ashton has set up a candlelight dinner for two at your little kitchen table. There are candles and a rose in the middle. His plate is empty and yours contains saltine crackers. Your beverage is 7 Up. He comes and grabs his plate, putting his meal on it.

"I know your ideal birthday dinner isn't saltines and 7 Up but I figured you would be able to keep it down at least." he jokes. He pulls out your chair and says, "Have a seat." You sit and he goes to his place opposite you.

"Somehow you still manage to make today special for me. You are the best." you say, grateful to have someone as understanding as him.

"Oh and it's not over yet. You still have your present." he says sounding just a little nervous.

"Can't wait." you say taking a little bite of a saltine. Ashton had already eaten half of his plate.

"I can't wait anymore. I'm gonna give it to you now, okay?" he asks rushed.

"Okay!" you say as he runs to get the present. What he brings out isn't a wrapped box, but his guitar. He leads you to the living room couch and sets one of his feet on the coffee table, resting the guitar on his leg.

"You didn't know it, but for the past few months, I've been writing a song. And the song is for you. I really hope you like it, Y/N. It's called Never Be." You're speechless so he starts.

He starts out shaky, but as he sees the smile on your face grow, and the tears of joy forming in your eyes, he gets more and more confident. He finishes off the last chorus strong, and plays the final chord before saying, "Happy Birthday, Y/N. I love you with all my heart."

You start crying happily, and at this point, neither one of you cares that you're sick. You hug each other tightly and Ashton gives you a big kiss, on the mouth this time. You say, "I love you too. And I love that song!"

"I'm glad. It's yours." he answers. You hug again and end your birthday the way you always have, watching TV cuddled up on the couch. A few hours later, you decide to go to bed. You get all ready and you both get in bed and face each other.

"You know, this birthday is actually one of my favorite ones I've had." you admit.

"Even though you were sick?" Ashton asks a little surprised.

"Yeah, it reminded me once again what a great person you are. You didn't let my sickness ruin the whole day. You still made it so sweet. And I love you so much for that."

"Anything for my wife. I love you so so much, Y/N. That will never change." You hug and turn away from him so he can bring you into his chest.

"Promise me something." you say starting to drift off in your husband's arms.

"Okay, what?" he asks.

"Please do not get sick on your  birthday. I don't think I could pull off today like you did."

He laughs and says, "Just for that, I'm making sure I get sick so I can prove you wrong."

You laugh and squeeze him tight. "Goodnight, Ashton."

"Goodnight, Y/N. Happy birthday again." But you've already started dozing off. The last thing you remember before falling completely asleep is Ashton singing Never Be softly and beautifully into your ear.

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