New Years Eve! (Michael)

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Ten minutes to midnight and you are at home, in pajamas, watching Times Square live from the comfort of your couch. You live just outside the city so it wouldn't have been too hard to actually go there and be in the middle of the action, but you were not about to wait in the freezing cold for hours surrounded by thousands of strangers shoulder to shoulder. You aren't about that kind of atmosphere and neither is Michael.

Michael is your boyfriend of one year. You aren't living together yet but he came over to your apartment to spend the night with you. You were both invited to a couple parties but you didn't really feel like going out and being with people, strangers or friends. All you wanted to do was stay in, bum around, and watch the countdown in the warmth together. You have spent the whole evening together eating dinner, drinking alcohol of different sorts, and watching the live footage from Times Square.

"Mike, c'mon! It's almost time!" you shout towards your little kitchen.

"There's still ten more minutes!" Michael says.

"Yeah but I want cuddles!" you retort. Seconds later, you hear running footsteps and then Michael diving onto the couch from behind you, tackling you in a hug.

"Better?" he asks laughing, settling down next to you.

"Yes, thank you." You snuggle into him and he does the same. It has been a truly relaxing day and you are happy you made the decision you did to not party. "How do you think those parties are going right now?"

"Oh I'm sure at one of them or even both them, there are people drunk off their asses, starting fights, and getting kicked out stumbling on the streets." Michael says. You laugh knowing how true that really is. The people you know are party animals and big drinkers.

"Wouldn't surprise me in the least." you laugh. Michael laughs with you and you stare at the television.

Suddenly Michael kisses your head and lays his head on you. "This is so much better than a party. I get you all to myself."

You smile and settle into his side even more. "And I get all the cuddles." He giggles above you and you can't help but join him. After a minute or two watching the TV, now five minutes to midnight, you get an idea. "Can I ask you something?"

"Huh?" Michael asks.

You sit up and face him. "What is your favorite thing that happened this year? What is one thing you know you will remember about it when it's over? I'll tell you mine." He seems to like the idea.

"Alright." He sits up and takes your hands. "This is easy. Our one year anniversary a couple weeks ago. I know I can choose from any month, anything that happened, but it's true."

"Really? I mean I loved it too. It's also my favorite thing, honestly. But why?" You knew why you loved that day, but what made it so special for him?

"Are you kidding? It was that day when you became mine for an entire year. Not to mention I got to see the look on your face every time I surprised you with something new." he says.

"Well I mean how was I supposed to react, Mike? You took us to eat at my favorite place, you even went so far as to get me a bouquet which you have never done for me or anyone in your life. Plus we got matching tattoos." you say rolling up your right shirt sleeve to reveal the heartbeat going across the inside of your wrist.

Michael lifts up his left sleeve and places his arm next to yours revealing his identical heartbeat connecting it to yours. "I'll never forget it. Not next year, not the year after, never. It was that day when we got these that I knew we were going to last way more than a year. Let's face it, if you've stuck with me for this long I don't think you're ever leaving."

You laugh and smile at your goofball of a boyfriend...who is absolutely right. "I'm not. Ever. I love you, Michael."

"I love you, Y/N." You're going to kiss when you hear the countdown on TV. You both turn to it and see it is almost at ten. Michael grabs your hand preparing to start. "Ready for 2016?"

"With you, bring it on." you reply. You then count down from ten and watch the ball drop. Then a few different couples appear on the screen sharing their New Years kisses and you turn to each other.

"Happy New Year, Y/N." Michael says.

"Happy New Year, Michael." you return. Then as is tradition, you share a kiss to start off the year, and actually get up to hug. "So what now? Do you wanna go to bed or...maybe do a little more drinking?"

"I'll get the glasses." he says dashing to the kitchen. That answers that question. You follow him to get the drinks and then go back to the living room to end the night with drinks and conversation. And of course more cuddling.

Once done drinking and you finally get tired, you both go to bed. You get under the covers and lay your head against Michael's chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. As you fall asleep you think about the year ahead and know that as long as Michael is with you, 2016 will be an amazing year. Who knows, maybe this will be the year you two move in together. Either way you know that this year will be a good one and you use the security of that, plus Michael's heartbeat to lull you to sleep.

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