Requests Week #5: For Venetia (Ashton)

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You and Ashton are curled up on his bed watching Netflix, a movie marathon with popcorn while wrapped in blankets. You have this night every weekend as a celebration for the school week being done. It's also what you consider your date nights. But this night felt different for both of you. Tomorrow, Ashton leaves to go on tour with his band and will be gone for months. You and him have been dating for a solid four months now and you are afraid about what will happen to your relationship once he leaves.

There is a palpable tension in the room as you sit in silence staring at the TV screen, knowing you will have to talk about this tonight. Only a few more minutes go by before Ashton pauses the movie and turns to you. "Venetia, we should talk about something before tomorrow."

You sigh and turn to him. "Yeah I think so." Looking in his eyes, you can tell what he is about to say will not make either of you very happy.

"When I'm gone, we'll be in different cities, states, countries, and time zones. Basically we would have to be in a long distance relationship hardly being able to talk. ...I don't know about you, but that sounds like torture." he confesses. You know he's right, you just wish you didn't have to break up. Things were going so well with you and the tour is making it all come to an end.

"It does. I don't want to, but I think it's best if it off. At least for as long as you're away." You say that in the hopes that maybe he will agree to get back together when he comes home.

"V, I'm gonna be away for a while. I'm not expecting you to wait for me. You don't have to. If you find some other guy you want to be with while I'm gone, I don't want to stop you." That's surprising. Apparently you don't mean as much to him as you thought.

"Oh...but...I'm not interested in anyone else. I really like what we have, Ashton. I wanted to pick things up with you when you got back. But if you don't want to—" you start.

"No, I would! I just thought maybe you wouldn't want to wait for me. ...I didn't wanna tie you down. But yeah I really like what we have too." he says smiling and taking your hand.

"Of course I'll wait. I don't mind at all. You're worth it." you say returning his smile.

Ashton stares into your eyes for a minute, then says "I think what I'll miss most about you is being able to look into those beautiful brown eyes." You laugh and look down brushing your hair back. "And of course, this." He then lifts your chin up planting a soft kiss on your lips.

You and Ashton then finish the night like always, finishing the movie you're on and being wrapped in each other's arms, trying to keep the next day out of your minds for a little bit longer.

9 Months Later...

Watching Ashton leave the airport the next day was so difficult. Even now, you are still reliving it in your head and wishing you didn't have to take a break from your relationship. Even so, it isn't like you never talk. You have been keeping in touch as often as you can and have even talked to his bandmates a little too. They all seem to think you and Ashton are a good match and are rooting for you two to resume dating when he returns.

In Ashton's absence, you did make a new friend. His name is Charlie and you met him through sports. He is on your school's boys soccer team. He came to the girls game and saw you play. He thought you were really good so he approached you afterwards. Since then, you've hung out a few times and played soccer together in your backyard. He's a lot of fun and great company to keep your mind off of how much you miss Ashton. You don't like him as anything more than a friend and you have made it clear to him that you are only looking for friendship. Thankfully he is fine with it.

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