New Years Eve! (Calum)

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It's gotten pretty dark outside now. You are looking out the floor-to-ceiling windows of your penthouse apartment overlooking the city. It is one of the apartment buildings by Times Square, so you can watch everything happen out your window without being down there in the cold and the crowds. It's pretty convenient, really. You just can't believe that this is where you live. This is the view you get to wake up to every morning.

This wouldn't be your home if it weren't for your parents. They are crazy rich and wanted to give you a "suitable starting home." When they took you to the penthouse of this apartment building you couldn't believe your eyes. You lived in an impressive house growing up but this was unbelievable. The day you moved in, they offered to pay for everything you could ever need. In other words, they told you that you didn't have to work a day in your life. But you refused.

You want to be able to support yourself without help and don't want people to think you are some prissy spoiled rich girl who doesn't do anything herself. Although with where you live, it is hard to convince people you aren't like that. You have managed to make a handful of friends since moving, one of whom is joining you tonight to ring in the new year so you aren't alone, seeing as your parents are out of state for meetings and your other friends have plans.

It's your friend Calum. Although you have to admit you have a little thing for him as well. You haven't known him very long and you met him at a bar, but he was the only guy there who was still somewhat sober and wasn't all over you. You've gotten to know him over the past few months and he is a really nice guy. He comes from a humble family, with not very much and he is working multiple jobs to help keep up their house. You honestly don't know why he wasn't turned off when he found out about your parents, and where you live.

A knock on your door interrupts your thoughts. That should be Calum. You go and open it, revealing him in probably the nicest clothes he owns. He couldn't look more adorable. "Hey, come in. You look nice."

"Thanks. You look beautiful." he smiles and walks in. "How many minutes until midnight?"

"Ten. Want something to drink while we wait?" you ask.

"Sure. Just some water." he says. He is giving you short answers. This isn't normal for him. He almost seems nervous.

"Okay, coming right up." You go to the kitchen and as you get his glass you see him walk to the windows and look down at Times Square, taking a deep breath. It seems like something might be troubling him. "You okay, Calum?"

He turns sharply from the windows like he was daydreaming. "Yeah, thinking." he says, then turns back to the windows. You fill his glass with water and bring it to him. "Thanks." You look out the windows with him and see all the people, and the ball that will be dropping in seven minutes.

You decide to speak up and say, "I can tell something's wrong. What is it? ...You know you can tell me." You don't look at him. You wait to hear what his response will be but he says nothing for at least a minute.

What he says is actually a question. And you don't know how to take it. "How are you still here?" You say nothing for too long so he elaborates. "How have you not left me? I have to know before the year is out." You now look at him and stare dumbfounded. Where did this come from? How long has this been on his mind?

"What are you talking about? Why would I leave you, Calum?" He doesn't look at you, but continues staring out at the city.

"I'm nothing special. I don't have much. In fact I have nothing. ...You have everything." he adds turning to look at your apartment. "You've never had to worry about anything in your whole life. You could pick anyone in the world to share tonight with. Yet you picked the one person who has had nothing but worry their whole life." He pauses and you want to say something but can't form the words.

"I guess in some way, I feel like you could do better. That I'm not good enough." He begins to pace your living room. "I can't afford to go out to any place fancy when we hang out, I'm never able to pay for my own meals, I feel like I'm a lousy friend for always relying on you for everything. And we only just met a while ago. I thought you would've gotten rid of me by now. Everyone else has." He sits on your couch resting his arms on his legs.

This has to be the most heartbreaking thing you have ever heard. Here you were wondering why he hasn't left you. You look at your cellphone for the time. Five minutes. Looks like you have five minutes to turn his mood around, and you think you know just how to do it. You sit next to him on the couch and take his right hand asking, "How have you not left me?" He turns finally looking at you, very confused.

"With where I live, and my situation with my parents, most everyone thinks I'm a snobby, rich, daddy's girl who treats no one with respect. Besides you, there are only a few other people who haven't been turned off. So...why haven't you been turned off?" you ask. Bet he wasn't expecting you to turn the tables on him.

He turns to you and says, "How could I be when you are such a sweet person? I know you have rich parents and that they got this place for you. But I looked past it and saw who you really are, not what people think you are." You smile, happy that he said what you hoped he would. You stand and reach out your hand to help him up.

He stands and you walk him to the windows saying, "And I see who you really are. A genuine, down to earth, incredibly kind guy who is working so hard to support his family. It's okay that you can't pay for extra things. I know you use your paychecks for the necessities. It doesn't bother me at all. Whatever you need, please let me know. Don't be afraid to ask for help. I care about you. I want you to be happy." You are now at the windows and you turn to him. "And also...I really like you."

All of a sudden you hear shouting from outside and see that it is one minute until midnight. The numbers are flashing on the screen and the ball is slowly lowering. You look back to Calum and he is smiling from ear to ear. He takes your hands and says, "I really like you, Y/N. It means so much to hear you say all that. You know...if we got together right now, we could share a New Years kiss to start off 2016, and our relationship." he winks.

You laugh and look out the window. The screen just flashed fifteen. Turning back to him you say, "Let's do it, Calum. I would love to be your girlfriend."

"It would mean everything to be your boyfriend." he answers. You hug and hear Times Square exclaiming the final countdown from ten. You both look out the window still hugging, down at the square and the ball that is almost dropped. The screen flashes one and the city explodes with a cheer of Happy New Year. Confetti starts flying everywhere and music starts playing.

Calum pulls away from your hug, leaving his arms wrapped around your waist. "Happy New Year, Y/N."

You look up at him and say, "Happy New Year, Calum." in return. You stand on your tip toes and Calum leans down holding your face and kissing you for the first time. You can't explain it, but when your lips meet, there is a feeling in the pit of your stomach, like in your gut. And it just feels...right. It's like some kind of spark went off inside you. Your lips part and your eyes meet again, and both of you can't help but smile.

You and Calum end your night by hugging while looking out the windows at the start of 2016. Now that Calum knows you aren't going anywhere and you know the same for him, there is no doubt in your mind that this year is going to be the best one you both have ever had.

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