Requests Week #3: For Kaleigh (Calum)

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Tonight you are at your swim meet. You have been doing incredible, and you only have one more race to go; the 50 yd., butterfly stroke. Luckily it's one of your best, along with freestyle. But thinking of the butterfly stroke makes you think of your boyfriend Calum. It's his favorite. You wish that he could be there to support you but he's on tour with his band. He did say he would be there in spirit, thinking of you and sending positive vibes. It must be working because if you win this last race, you get to go to finals.

But you're pretty nervous. This last race determines everything. Still, you have been competing for ten long years, and you don't plan on losing now. You just have to push your nerves back so you can focus on what you do best. As you get in position, you look up and glance across to the other side of your lane. But what you see when you do, makes you have to do a double take. There was no way.

You look again for longer, and sure enough you see Calum clapping and shouting, "Yeah, Kaleigh! You got it, baby!" You can't believe it. Did he trick you so that you would be surprised, or did he not figure out until the last minute that he could make it after all? Either way he's here, and that gives you just enough motivation to push yourself the hardest you ever have and to make your nerves disappear.

As soon as the signal is given, you push off and even when underwater, you can still make out Calum's voice cheering and shouting out words of encouragement. You don't let it distract you; you do even better. As quick as it started, you're on the second and final lap, and for the first time you see you're in the lead. This was it, you could actually win. You're going as fast as you can and you touch the other side.

You look up at the scoreboard and see TOMPKINS and the time 30.02 seconds. You won the race and you are going to the finals! And Calum was there to see it all. You get out of the pool as quick as you can to go to him, almost slipping a few times, and once you're close enough he pulls you into his chest hugging you so tight.

"Cal, I'm soaked!" you shout over all the noise.

"I don't care, I missed you and you're my girlfriend so I can hug you whenever I want!" he shouts back. He pulls away and looks down at you, moving wet hair out of your face. "Including this." He grabs your face with both of his hands and gives you a big, long kiss. You've both been waiting months to do that again and it felt indescribably terrific.

"I am so, so proud of you, baby girl. 30.02 is your best time yet. And doesn't this mean you're going to the finals?!" he asks excitedly.

"Thanks, Cal, I know! And yes, I'm going to the finals!" you exclaim. He brings you into his arms again and when you pull away you look up at him and add, "But while you're home, I should really get on those lessons I've been meaning to give you."

"Oh c'mon, do I have to?" he whines.

"Well since you love that butterfly stroke of mine SO much, I might as well teach you how to do it yourself." you wink. He smiles a big grin down at you and gives you another knee-buckling kiss. Then you have a moment, a moment of looking in each other's eyes and seeming to get lost in them. Calum has claimed multiple times that he easily gets lost 'in the clear blue ocean of your eyes.' He's always cheesy like that.

While in this apparent standstill in time, you get the urge to tell Calum what you have been wanting to tell him for a few months now but you never felt the moment was quite right. However, now looking into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, you know there will never be a better time. You decide to be brave.

"I love you, Calum." you state. You can't see his lips, but you can see his eyes and you know that a smile is slowly forming across his face.

"I love you, Kaleigh." he replies. Now you both grin from ear to ear and your lips crash together once more. It is official that you and Calum are in love.

"I'm so glad. C'mon, let's go. I gotta get changed and go home to shower." you say grabbing hold of his hand.

He intertwines your fingers saying, "Alright. Totally agree though. I mean I don't want all that chlorine to ruin your beautiful golden locks." He uses his other hand to twirl some of your hair around.

"Shut up, Cal." you say nudging him lightly.

"You know you love me." he retorts, kissing your hand he's holding.

"I do. Very much." You lean over to kiss his cheek and his face heats up a little.

"Good. Because I love you too." He puts his arm around you as you make the little walk to the girls locker room.

You quickly change and gather your stuff before meeting him in the hallway to go back to your house. You are over the moon that your boyfriend is finally home. Even though you don't know for how long, you will enjoy every moment before he leaves again.

You go to Calum's car and once in, he asks "So when we get back to your place, I get to shower with you, right?" You laugh and shake your head. Typical Calum Hood. This visit home was going to be eventful to say the least.

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