Chapter One: Escape The Fate!

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Kat's P.O.V

Chapter 1


I'm Kat Money, yes like Bryan Money and Micheal Money, the two guitar hotties of Escape The Fate. Yeah, those two hotties are my two older brother's, awesome right? Not really. Especially since I don't know the new bassist TJ and now I get to be on the road with them. Well this is going to be one hell of a summer. While the guys where practicing I walked to the tour bus. I was stopped by their tour manager, at first he didn't notice me, but then he sighed.

"Your back." He chuckled.

"Can't stay away." I muttered hugging him quickly. He laughed as I started walking to the bus again.

"I'm not here." I told him. He nodded before giving me the thumbs up and turning around to talk to one of the crew workers. I walked into the bus and was surprised that I could actually see the floor.

"Probably having an interview." I muttered as I looked around.

"Not the same without Max." I whispered to myself. I heard the guys voices booming as they got closer to the bus. I plopped myself onto the couch at the back of the bus and leaned back into the wall as the bus door opened and the guys walked in all chatting loudly. I purposely dropped the soccer ball that was on the couch and heard as the guys all stopped talking. They walked slowly to the back probably scared to see what awaited them. They all stopped dead in there tracks once their eyes landed on me.

"Speechless?" I asked them.

"Holy shit it's you!" Mike screamed as he suddenly hugged me. I hugged him back as he smiled. I hugged Bryan next, but not as tightly as when I hugged Mike. Mike and I got along better.

"Caige!" I screamed as I hugged Craig. He chuckled as he hugged me back. Caige was a nick name for him, don't know where I got it from, but hey it stayed. Robert hugged me last holding me tightly.

"I haven't seen you guys in a while." I told them. They all nodded in agreement as Craig told TJ to come closer.

"TJ this is Kat, one of the four Money sibling's." Craig said with a smile. TJ's eyes stayed glued to mine before his gaze dropped, he turned around and walked away.

"I'm guessing he doesn't like me." I muttered as Craig sighed and went after him.

"He'll get used to you." Robert muttered looking at me.

"Just like you did." I said with a smile looking at him. He laughed as he nodded. I've known the band since they first started off. Yeah I knew Ronnie, still talk to him and Max was my best friend since day one. Yup, I knew the band since high school bitches! Beat that!

"Well I kinda have to stay with you guys all summer, so yeah." I told the three guys who stood in front of me. They all smiled brightly.

"This outta be fun." Craig said from behind us. I turned to see him and TJ standing there.

"Interview with Bryan in a bit." Craig spoke with a smile.

"Kat's staying for a while." Mike said with a smile.

"That's cool as long as Morgan doesn't stay for to long." Craig said with a smirk.

"Aw! Come on! Why?" Robert and I screamed together.

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