Chapter Seventeen: Crown The Empire.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 17


I let out a groan as somebody slammed on the door loudly just as my phone begin to vibrate from the small desk that was right next to me and Austin.

"Ignore it." Austin mumbled as he pulled me closer to him, and me being the lazy ass person that I was, did exactly that. The knocking stopped momentarily as I sighed in relief before the door was slammed open.

"Hey love birds." I heard the all to familiar voice of Andy Leo say as a body jumped onto the bed making it sink down a bit. I cracked my eye open with a sigh as I looked at the guys. They where all here. All of them. The whole band. Andy, David, Ben, Brandon, Brent and Hayden.

"How did you fuckers get in?" Austin grumbled as I smiled.

"Someone's moody. Hello Katherine." Andy yelled as he bent over to hug me.

"Hey hands off." Austin mumbled sleepily as he laid his head on my lap. Luckily we where both dressed.

"Hey Kitty." Ben said smiling.

"Hey Baby Ben." I said smiling.

"Hello Andrew." I said smiling at him. He smiled back as he got up and walked to the fridge.

"Hey Kat." The other guys greeted as they surrounded the Xbox.

"Hey guys." I replied.

"Ha, who's the winner now!" Hayden screamed loudly making me look towards them. David glared at him before pushing him to the floor. Boy's. My phone started ringing and Andy being the child he was decided to answer.

"Hello?" He spoke.

"Kat, sorry she's asleep." He lifted up the covers as I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes she is fully clothed."

"Oh God, give me the phone Andrew." I told him.

"I will tell her. Yes goodbye sir." Andy spoke before hanging up.

"Do you not want me to have a girlfriend?" Austin asked him as he handed me my phone.

"They said to hurry up. Room 452." Andy said ignoring Austin.

"Aw we where about to go eat!" Brent complained. I chuckled as I got up.

"I'll call when I know if I could tag along." I told him as I kissed Austin.

"Bye babe." Austin called out.

"Bye guy's. Bye Austin." I said with a smirk. I fixed my clothes and hair before walking to the room. It's a good thing I don't use much make up. I knocked on the door and seconds later Mike answered.

"Your a little bitch you know that?" He asked before hugging me.

"You love it." I muttered back.

"Where were you!" Bryan screamed.

"I wasn't down the hall." I said with a smirk.

"With who?" TJ asked a single eyebrow raise.

"Some friends." I muttered.

"Starting with Aus and ending with Tin." Gaby muttered as she high five Morgan. The guys all looked at me as if questioning it.

"Not about to deny it." I muttered with a sigh.

"Oh God." Mike muttered looking.

"You guys make it look like he's a bad person." I muttered.

"Well we've never meet him." Bryan mumbled.

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