Chapter Thirty-Nine: Rose

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TJ's P.O.V.

Chapter 39


I sighed as I looked down at the girl who slept on the couch her arms wrapped around her very small stomach. It wasn't her fault, it really wasn't. It takes two to tango and two to make a kid. The possibility of it not being my kid where probably fifty, fifty. That kid that grew inside of her could possibly be mine and if it was I would lose Kat for sure, if I haven't already. The thought of being a dad brought a smile to my face before I realize it's not Kat who might be carrying my child, the smile quickly disappears. It sounds selfish that I wish for it not to be mine, but losing Kat is almost unimaginable. Mike and Bryan barely look at me. No one but Robert knows she's pregnant, and he doesn't like it. Rose, the possible mother of my future kid, barely talks to the guys. They didn't like her because they felt like she was Kats replacement, and they still don't know about the kid. The silent was almost deadly as we sat in the tour bus moving to the next venue. In three days we would be in Vegas where we would meet up with Crown The Empire who had left yesterday to visit family, it sucked to say but since they left I hadn't talked to anyone much. The guys from Hollywood Undead barely knew me and all liked Kat a lot more then they liked me. So when they saw the new girl who was at my side all the time, they stopped talking to me.

“Can you guys say something?” I asked getting tired of the silence.

“Something.” Craig and Robert mumbled after a second of silence. Mike and Bryan have been with the Undead's since Rose should up. I stood up mad now as I glared at the two.

“I get it, you're mad and you take it out on me. Fuck man, Kat won't answer my calls, her brothers don't even look at me, and you two ignore all fucking day. The only time you say anything to me is when I mess up on a fucking song.” I yelled as Robert stood up.

“You don't understand TJ, Kat is like our sister when you hurt her you hurt us. We've seen the shit that girl has been threw, we've watched her struggle and cry and want to give up all together. We don't want to see her in pain because of another guy who waltzed into her life and fucked it up. Trust me her fist boyfriend did enough of that. Now fucking suck it up and realize that what we do is for her, which is what you should of done in the first place. You should of been protecting her, not fucking her over.” Robert said getting angrier by the second.

“Do you think I don't know I fucked up! Do you think I don't realize it? I fucked up Robert, I admit but since when does that give you guys the fucking right to judge me.”

“Since you messed with our sister.” Robert mumbled before I swung at him though he quickly dodged it and pushed me back sending me crashing to the floor. I tired to get up though Craig shook his head.

“Don't bother TJ, I know Robert he'll send you to the hospital in a matter of seconds.” Craig mumbled before they both disappear into the back of the bus.

“I messed everything up didn't I?” A calm voice asks as I turn around to look at Rose. Her red hair fell over her face as I sighed.

“It's not your fault Rose.” I mumbled as my phone beeped. It was a notification from twitter.

Andy Leo just tweeted.

I sighed as I opened it up.

Clubbin in Vegas with @KatMoney and my Crown The Empire boys. I think someone hit it off...again ;D.

Below the tweet was a picture of Kat and Austin laughing as he held her close. They looked like they had a few months ago on my birthday. In love. I threw my phone across the room towards the bus wall where it cracked and fell to the floor, the screen shattered as the picture stayed lit. Anger coursed threw my body as a hand landed on my shoulder.

“Are you okay TJ.” Rose asked me tenderly. I turned to look at her as tears streamed down my cheeks, Kat had turned me into such a wimp. I shook my head as she wiped my tears away.

“You'll get her back.” She whispered.

"She hates me Rose." I mumbled lowly. I looked towards her and suddenly connected my lips to hers. She kissed back eagerly as I pulled her closer to me, using her as a way to get Kat off my mind.

"Am I interrupting something?" A sharp voice asked as I pulled away to look at Omar, Mike and Bryan. Since when were they here?

"I'm starting to think she should of stayed with Austin." Mike mumbled lowly.

"Or Max." Robert mumbled knowing how much we didn't get along.

"Really? That druggie!" I asked angry.

"I assure you Max has helped her out more then you have TJ." Craig said.

"Oh yeah, how?" I ask as Robert rolls his eyes.

"You know what TJ, for a while Kat wasn't herself. She was scared and didn't let us help. She met Max and he got her out of it, sure he and Ronnie got her in to trouble but she was actually talking to us. Jake messed her up, he screwed her over but Max along with Ronnie, Morgan, Johnny, Kara and all her friends helped her even after Max and her broke it, even after what Jake did. She trusted him more then us. We've all seen her in pain Teej, don't make her go threw it again." Robert said before he turned around and left followed by everyone except for Omar.

"Kat will forgive you Teej, that's the type of person she is, once she forgives you, your good. Max, Ronnie. Johnny, Kara, and maybe even Morgan won't look at you the same but it'll be fine. As long as she's okay with you, you'll be fine. I've seen it before." He said as he left. I sat still taking in their words. I didn't want to hurt her, she was the person who brought a smile to my face. I had to get her to forgive me, cause by know the word should of traveled, but how?


So I still need some girls for this book, some girlfriends for the guus. If you did then comment "done" below. Vote and Comment guys, remember I need my 4 girls, some might come in the sequel so yeah xD

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