Chapter Twenty-Four: Monster.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 24


I watched as Robert paced around the room silently looking worried. The girls all had doctors appointments. Leave it to them to go to the doctor together. Max was with Ronnie and his band, Craig and Leila had gone out for some bonding time, Bryan was upstairs with some chic, Mike was hanging out with some friends and TJ was passed out drunk in his room.

"Robert." I said snapping him out of his mini trance. He smiled before he kept pacing around. I sighed before I got up walked towards him and smacked him.

"What the fuck!" He yelled.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as he sighed and sat down on the sofa.

"I'm scared Kat." He told me honestly.

"Why? Is it because of the baby?" I asked him. He nodded before looking at me.

"What if I'm not good enough? I mean we all know Morgan is great with children, but what about me?" He asked.

"You'll do fine. Plus you have a good two month's with Gaby's baby before yours is born, practice makes perfect." I tell him.

"What if I fuck up? What if I drop him or put him to sleep in a wrong position?" Robert asks me as I roll my eyes.

"Him? Robert you'll do great, I know it." I tell him. He sighs before smiling.

"I think it's a boy." He tells me as I laugh slightly.

"Morgan seems pretty set on it being a girl." I tell him.

"Nope it's a boy." He argues as I laugh.

"Thanks Kat, your good at this whole councilor thing." He tells me as I laugh.

"It's to boring man, listening to people talk all day." I muse as he chuckles.

"They get paid a shit load though." Robert told me.

"Huh, I might need to go back to school." I mumble jokingly as he smiles at me.

"Thank you." He says before kissing my cheek and getting up. I got up off the couch and walked upstairs while passing TJ's room I heard him puking loudly. I walked to my room grabbed some medication and walked back towards his room. I knocked twice before opening the door. TJ was puking into a bucket. He looked up at me as I handed him some pills and sat across from him. He took the pills before getting up and walking to the restroom he washed his mouth and gurgled some mouth was before coming back in. My hand caressed his cheek where the bruise was forming.

"He sure knows how to pack a punch." I mumble under my breath as TJ scoffs.

"Why did you get mad that I kissed you?" TJ asked me.

"I wasn't mad because you kissed me, I'm mad because of Austin." I told him as he nodded.

"You really liked him huh?" He asked as I sighed.

"Of course, he was one of my longest relationships." I told TJ.

"Do you miss him?" TJ asked me.

"Kinda, it was hard for us to see each other. I was with you guys and he was with the Crown The Empire guys, we never really where with each other." I told him as he nodded.

"I'm sorry about that, I was being stupid." He told me as I smiled and nodded.

"It's fine, it wasn't meant to be." I say with a sigh as I get off the floor.

"And if you feel like puking again, make sure it's not in my room." I tell him with a small smile before leaving the room. I lay on my bed for a bit before my phone rings.

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