Chapter Twenty-Three: Doughnuts.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 23


I woke up the next morning to my phone's message notification ringing. I sighed as I flipped over and unconnected my phone and looked at my messages.

"Nice way to wake me up Ronald." I mumbled as I saw his name. I opened the message to see the attachment had opened up.

"Your goddaughter ;D Happy Late Birthday Mini Money. Sorry was to busy having me hand squeezed to death while Crissy gave birth :/." The message read making me laugh. Only Ronnie. I replied quickly before I looked over the picture. She's so damn adorable!

"See! I was meant to be her godmother! And I'm pretty sure your pain was nothing compared to Crissy's." I changed quickly before walking down stairs. The guys all talked in the living room while the girls where all gone.

"You're up early." Mike muttered with a smirk.

"Ronald woke me up." I mumbled as I collapsed on the couch next to Max.

"Why?" Craig asked. The guys didn't mind Ronnie, they just didn't talk to him, at all.

"His daughter was just born." I told them as I yawned.

"Are you buying doughnuts?" I asked TJ as he sighed.

"Anyone coming along?" He asked as he stood up.

"Kat." The guys all yelled.

"Why me?" I asked looking at them with an eyebrow raised.

"Why not?" Max countered back as I sighed and got off the couch.

"Let's go." I mumbled with a sigh. Max winked at me as I flipped him off. At times I don't get my brothers. The send me off completely alone with a guy I've kissed before but get pissed off when they find out I have a boyfriend? They sure know how to confuse me. TJ drove as I sat silently next to him. We stopped at a local doughnut shop as I sat back and watched TJ order and pay. He grabbed the bag that held the doughnuts before we made our way outside staying silent the whole time.

"Will you stop that!" TJ suddenly yelled making me jump up and turn to look at him.

"Stop what?" I hissed with a glare at him.

"This!" He yelled motioning in between us.

"Unfortunately I can't stop air." I said with an eye roll.

"The silence Kat! Can you say something please!" He begged.

"Something." I mumbled as he let out a groan and glared at me. He pushed me against the car and stared me in the eyes.

"Stop pretending I'm not here." He told me.

"Hard considering you have me pushed up against a fucking car." I say as I roughly push him away with a glare.

"I get that your mad!" He said with a glare.

"Mad! Mad is a fucking understatement TJ!" I growled lowly as he averted my gaze.

"You broke up one of my longest relationships for the hell of it! Do you really hate me that much?" I asked making him look up.

"Why would you even ask that? Of course I don't hate you Kat, I've liked you since day one." He told me.

"If you like me so much why'd you ruin the one thing I had left?" I ask him. He didn't say anything until he grabbed my face in between his hands and kissed me. I stayed still for a while not knowing what to do or how to react before I pushed him away from me with a glare.

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