Chapter Eight: Is That All You Can Say?

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Morgan's P.O.V.

Chapter 8


This wasn't part of the plan. None of this was. I was supposed to stay away from Robert and to move on from him, he would only bring me down. I couldn't afford to like somebody. Who was I kidding? Robert was one sexy beast and I would be an idiot to pass him up. He was a gentleman and had the bad boy look down to a point. He was my ideal man and here I was, sitting on my bed waiting for Kat to get back from wherever she was. Where was Kat? I hope she's fine. She probably is. If anything happened to her Monte and Mike would be pulling up the place up searching for her ass. Those two spend too much time worrying after her instead of themselves. She was a grown woman anyway, she didn't need their paranoid asses following after her. I groaned and laid back on my bed. I seriously fucked up. Not only did I sleep with Robert Ortiz, but I had feelings for him. It's no secret that I've had a crush on him since the start but he's always been the ignorant type. What if I was only a one night stand? How would things end up then? We see each other every day and no doubt if Kat found out she would murder somebody. Namely Robert. I've seen the girls Robert sleeps with and it's painful. I wasn't nearly as beautiful as them and it proved last night when Robert only came to me drunk. Fucking drunk. I couldn't get him without a drink in his system and it killed me. Was I not good enough? Probably. But no girl deserves to go through what I do.

"What's up, Morgs?" I heard somebody ask.

I turn my head and I'm surprised to see Kat standing there, her usual smirk in place and hands on her hips. I simply shook my head, not wanting to burden her with my problems.

"What's wrong?" She pried, not getting the hint.

"Nothing." I muttered.

"Morgan." She said although this time her voice was louder.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Morgan!" She was now shouting.

I sighed and sat up, knowing that she wasn't going to relent unless I told her. It was a bad/good thing about Kat.

"I had sex with Robert." I admit before hiding my face, not wanting to see the disappointment on her face.



I began to fidget as Kat knocked harshly on the door. I was hoping that TJ would open the door but it wasn't my day and Robert opened it. I didn't meet his eyes as Kat came up with some poor excuse about our toilet. She didn't give him a chance to say anything before marching off very Kat-like into the bathroom.

It left Robert and me in an awkward silence.

"Why'd you leave?" Robert asked suddenly.

I slowly looked up at him, enjoying the way he was nearly two feet taller than me. I cleared my throat and scratched at my arm, "What do you mean?"

"When I woke up you weren't there." He said in that deep voice that always made me melt. Did he know what he did to me?

"O-Oh, that... Um, listen...." I stuttered, trying to find an excuse. The truth was that I had freaked out, badly. When I woke up and realized what had happened I slipped out of bed without waking Robert up and left, leaving no trace of me behind.

"It wasn't supposed to happen, Robert. I just saved us the formalities in the morning." I said.

He looked confused, "Formalities?"

"You know, the "This is never going to happen again" and "Don't tell anybody", shit." I stated.

"Are you crazy?" He exclaimed.

I blinked in shock, "What?"

"Look, don't take this the wrong way but you are fucking stupid," He stated. I opened my mouth to object but he cut me off. "What made you think that? I would never do that to you, Morgan. I consider you my best friend and I wouldn't do anything to destroy that."

Oh great. I'm fucking friend zoned. Yes, that's much better than being rejected.

"Oh. Well, I'm gonna' go now-" I started, fighting back the tears. I was a friend, nothing more. Then why'd he sleep with me? Why?

"Morgan, God damnit will you stop jumping to conclusions and listen to me for a second?" Robert hissed and I could tell he was reaching his limit. One fist was clenched and the other was clutching my forearm tightly, pulling me closer to his body. His breath fanned my face and his eyes were blazing with determination.

"I want us to become more."

"Huh?" His words hadn't processed and I was left standing before him, confused as hell. Become more what?

"You are so fucking blind. I've liked you ever since I've met you!" He exclaimed.


"Is that all you can say?"

"No... But... What?! You fucking asswhole! Then why did you sleep with all those other girls?" I demanded, slapping him in the chest.

"To make you jealous, woman!"

"Oh yeah, that totally makes sense!"

"It apparently worked 'cause you're going out with me!"

"What? When?!"

"Tomorrow night." He smirked, folding his arms and giving me no room to argue.

I glared at him, "Ass."

He chuckled, "You love me."

At that moment, Kat walked in. She eyed us before leading me out of the room, not giving me time to say anything else she dragged me out. I looked back and Robert watched us leave, a smirk on his face. When he caught me looking he gave me a small wink before closing his door.

I looked down, blushing. That went better than I had thought it would go.


Written by...well Morgan, hence the P.O.V. She is an awesome writter so go check out her fanfic! Make sure to read the first one thoe! Vote, Comment and yeah Thank Morgan!

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