Chapter Five: Club.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 5


"Let's go to the club!" Craig shouted as we where thinking of what to do on this lonely, concert less night.

"Dude, Kat's sick." Brian muttered shouting him a glare.

"I'm down." I muttered sitting up.

"That's what she said." Robert shouted as we all looked at him blankly.

"That makes no fucking sense." I muttered.

"C'mon Brian can we go?" Craig asked with a pout. Sure he was the main singer, but he was one of the youngest in the band. Brian sighed as he got up.

"Might as well, but if you feel sick, you tell me." Brian told me I nodded as I got up.

"Si señor!" I said with a salute. I grabbed some clothes and walked towards the back room closing and locking the door. Morgan was already changing back here. It was our mini dressing room. I pulled on some tight black skinny jeans and a red tank top with a leather jacket and some red pumps. My hair was down in lose curls from the night before and I had only mascara on.

"Good?" Morgan asked making me turn around. She had some jean daisy duke's on with a black v-neck and a white cardigan with black stilettos and her hair was cascading naturally down her back with a black bow clipped in her hair.

"Lose the bow." I told her. She nodded as she looked me over.

"Add some gloss." She muttered taking out the bow. I added the gloss as the guys called us out.

"Coming!" I screamed out. The guys rushed us out as a crew member stepped out of a SUV.

"Bye guys." He told us. I smiled as Morgan and I got into the back of the SUV. Robert was driving Brian in the passengers seat. Craig, Mike and TJ where in the second row. The club was a few minutes away. We got out of the car and walked to the back where a security guard was waiting to escort us in. Morgan dragged me to the dance floor the minute she spotted it. She pulled us in deep enough to the crowd to be surrounded.

"Morgan." I muttered getting claustrophobic.

"Just dance, it'll keep your mind off of it." she told me over the music. I pulled her closer to the edge before I started dancing. In My Head was playing, but it wasn't the original. Mayday Parade where the ones blasting out the speakers. Soon we where both dancing around with a group of girls. Morgan soon grew thirsty and we walked towards the bar. We ordered some sodas and watched as TJ walked up to a girl.

"You wanna fuck?" He asked the girl easily. She scoffed before getting up and walking away.

"Fine, you didn't seem good anyway." He screamed after the girl. She flipped him off and walked further into the crowd.

"Call that flirting?" I asked him. He glared at me as he stepped closer to me and Morgan.

"I'd like to see you try." He commented taking a drink of his beer.

"Really?" I asked him. He nodded with a smirk. I turned and whistled at the guys. The all made their way over.

"What up?" Brian asked.

"TJ thinks I can't flirt better then him." I told them. They all laughed as I smiled at him.

"Alright fine. If you think your so good, I have a bet for you." TJ muttered.

"Go on." I teased with a smirk.

"If you can get more phone numbers then I can in forty five minutes you win." TJ said.

"Alright, if I win you have to come out in your next concert as say your gay." I told him. Craig choked on his drink as the guys laughed.

"If I win you have to walk around the block in your bra and undies." TJ told me.

"No!" Brian and Mike screamed out.

"Deal." I said with a smile.

"I have fifty six contacts in here." I told him as I looked threw my phone.

"Forty eight." TJ muttered. Craig looked at our phones and checked.

"Yup." He muttered.

"Alright start now." Robert muttered looking at his clock. I walked to the first guy and started talking to him in less then three minutes I had a new contact. The forty five minutes finished quickly and the guys called us back.

"Alright TJ now has fifty seven contacts, an increase of nine contacts." Robert said with a smile.

"Hah." TJ muttered with a smile.

"Kat now had seventy contact's, an increase of twenty four contact's." Craig said as he laughed. The guys where soon laughing loudly along with Morgan who was now slightly buzzed.

"That's not fair, your hot, guys would give their numbers away to you." TJ mused. Mike now glared at him as he held his hand's up in defense.

"Fine, if I get more then nine GIRL contacts then you go out without pants on." I told him.

"Deal." TJ said with a smile. In less then thirty minutes I had twelve contacts.

"That's not fucking fair, they think of you as a friend! Getting a girl to like you is hard." TJ muttered crossing his arms over his chest. The guys all sighed.

"Your a sore loser." Craig muttered.

"If I can make out with a girl in less then three minutes for more then two minutes, then you have to say that you love Robert Patterson." I told TJ.

"TJ bro just let it go, she'll win." Robert muttered.

"No, it's a deal." TJ said with confidence. I sighed as I shook my head. I saw two girls making out in the corner and easily walked up to the blonde one and kissed her. I counted in my head as we made out. I pulled away at the end of the two minutes and smiled at her before walking away.

"Happy?" I asked the shell shocked group. Craig, Robert and Morgan laughed loudly as the other three guys stood agape, and no I'm not lesbian.


:> I needed some humor so here it goes. Vote and comment and i have TJ do those things some time soon.

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