Chapter Thirty-Seven: Happy Endings.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 37


I woke up to loud screams and massive bangs. I let out a groan as I got up and made my way down the long flight of stairs. Everyone was shouting as I entered the living room.

"Can you guys shut up." I yelled as all eyes land on me. Samie had tears running down her pale cheeks as a tall blonde guy stood next to her. Max was fuming with anger though tears also welled his eyes. Ronnie and Johnny stood next to him as Gaby and Morgan stood back Willow in Morgan's arms, Leila next to Gaby.

"What's going on here?" I ask them as they stay quite.

"Max? Ronald? Guys!" I yell.

"If you guys don't tell me I swear you guys are all leaving this house!" I shouted. They stayed quite as I looked at the guy who stood next to Sam.

"Ayo Blondie, what's going on?" I asked him.

"Uh..." he trailed off as I rolled my eyes. Ayden walked down the stairs as I sighed

"Morgan, Gaby can you guys go pick up Kara, take Ayden." I tell them as Ronnie stands up.

"I'll drive, pregnant chicks shouldn't drive and I can't leave you two alone with three kids." Ronnie mumbles as I hand him my keys. He picks up Ayden and guides the girls out the door. The door  closes shut as look back at the three people who stand in front of me.

"Samantha tell me what the fuck is going on." I demand as she flinched.

"She's not his." Sam croaks out weakly.

"Who?" I ask

"The baby." Max says lowly.

"Then why the fuck are you in my house." I ask loudly as she jumps back as starts to cry.

"Don't start that bullshit with me Sam, get out of my house or I'll call the fucking cops." I yelled at her. I turned to look at the blonde with a glare.

"You to Blondie." I mumbled as he gulped.

"Kat please don't do this, you know how much I love Max." Sam cried as she grabbed my hand.

"Don't." I mumbled as fresh tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Kat don't do this, I swear I didn't mean to." Sam said as I rolled my eyes.

"It takes two to tango." I mumbled as I pulled my hand out of her grasp.

"Alright Blondie, take her and go." I

mumbled as I opened the door for him and Sam.

"Katherine, just let me explain." Sam cried.

"Samantha sweetie go before I force you out." I tell her.

"Max, I need you." she choked out. Max strayed quite as the blonde pulled Sam towards him.

"You don't need that druggie babe." he told as Max stepped forward through he was held back by Johnny.

"Why don't you leave." I growled.

"Why don't you make me." he shot back at me.

"Don't talk to her like that." Max said.

"Stay out of this." the blonde snaps at Max.

"Hey cool it." Johnny demands as Max and the guy start to argue. Eventually the blonde punches Max causing blood to pour out of his nose. Johnny starts to yell at the guy, his voice booming threw out the house as Sam cries frantically.

"Shit." I curse out as Max let's out a groan.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Ronnie asks he enters the house by himself.

"Get the blonde out." I tell him as I grab Johnny back trying to calm him down. Ronnie literary grabs the blonde guy and takes him outside. Sam stands there in despair and for a while I feel bad for her, but she hurt one of the closest people to me. She slowly walks out the door as Ronnie walks in.

"Dude's a prick." he mumbles as Max walks out of the bathroom.

"and he has a wicked punch." Max says without.

"Can we come in yet?" Gaby asks as she pokes her head in. I nod as she walks in with Willow in her arms, Leila by her side. Morgan holds a white blanket in her hands as Ayden follows. Last walks in Kara her short hair falling past her shoulders. Morgan hands the baby towards me as Kara smiles at Johnny before she runs towards him and hugs him. Gaby lets out an Aww as Johnny laughs. I look down at the baby. He has a red tint to his hair like Kara but Johnny's green eyes and small nose. Kara grabs the baby out of my arms and looks at Johnny.

"Jonathon, this is Nash, your son." Kara status with a smile as Johnny smiles as tears well in his eyes.

"Happy ending to a horrible day." I mumble as Morgan laughs.

"I'm hungry." she wines as I laugh.

"Chinese?" Ronnie asks us as we nod.

"I see we go back to our roots." Johnny says.

"To the old neighborhood it is." Morgan mumbles.


Sorry for the late update, it's hard to write on my phone. Anywho vote and stuff xD

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