Chapter Fifteen: Ex boyfriend talk.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 15


I woke up to Black Veil Brides blasting from the bus speaker's. Morgan.

"Turn that shit off Mor!" I screamed.

"This is not shit my dear it's your alarm. Get up it's like twelve." She said with a smirk as my bunk curtain was pulled open and she started pulling me up.

"No." I groaned out as I buried deeper into my blanket's.

"I have a good plan on how to humiliate TJ." She sang. I looked at her curiously as she smiled brighter knowing she had my attention.

"Get changed we have to go get lunch and then I'll tell you." She said smiling. My best friend was a total bitch.

"I hate you." I grumbled lowly as I got up. I changed into some black skinny jeans and a Bring Me The Horizon shirt on that was autographed last time I met them, when Morgan was in the video.

"How are we going to go eat? We have no car Mor." I told her with an eyebrow raised as I threw my hair into a messy ponytail.

"I got Robert's car key's." She said smiling. I rolled my eyes as I bent down to tie my converse up. We got off of the bus and walked towards Robert's car.

"So what's been going on between you and Robert?" I asked Morgan.

"We had sex again." She blurted out.

"What when?" I asked her. We had been here two days! One of them I was stuck as a hospital and the second was today.

"Yesterday. We uh left in the middle of the night and yeah." She told me.

"Morgan, I am so done with you." I told her with a sigh as she laughed.

"What he's hot." She said laughing as she parked in a local diner.

"If you say so love." I said with a sigh as I got off the car. I had grown up with him and I had never taught of him as cute, but eh everyone thinks differently. We sat in the diner and ordered quickly.

"So look what I found." Morgan spoke as she slid her phone towards me. I looked up at her before pressing play on the video. The video pretty much consisted of TJ being funny and it made me laugh.

"So my plan is to get the technician to play the video after the finish performing, a late form of payback." Morgan told me.

"You are a fucking genius!" I said smiling at her.

"Why thank you." She said with a smile and posh accent as I hugged her.

"Here you go ladies." the waiter said with a wink as he set down the food. I smiled at him as he walked away.

"He's creepy." I muttered once he was out of ear shot.

"Eat fast." Morgan muttered as she dug into her plate. We finished in record time, paid then all but ran out of there.

"He touched me." I shrieked as we got into the car. On the way out the guy decided to rub my arm in a very creepy way. I shivered at the taught of Morgan laughed.

"I swear I'm never coming here again!" I yelled as Morgan laughed.

"But they have big toast." She said with a lip pout.

"Next time I'm bringing Max or my brother's." I muttered as she drove onto the highway. I was always a lazy person and never drove, unless necessary.

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