Chapter Thirty-Five: Ayden.

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Max's P.O.V.

Chapter 35


“Kat get back here!” Bryan yelled after her. He tried running after her though he was shoved back by Johnny.

“What the hell is wrong with you guys!” He yells at them.

“Oh I'm sorry, Can I not be pissed off?” Bryan asks sarcastically.

“That girl has been threw to much Bryan and whenever you guys fucked up she was there to help out. She was there to pick up your guys fucking pieces. She helped you guys get in the band! She was there for Gaby while you where riding a plane to see your daughter be born! She introduced you to Morgan! Stop being such dicks and hear her out for once!” I yell at them.

“What else can she possibly say? She was an idiot, got pregnant and pissed our parents off so much that they let her leave.” Bryan mumbled.

“Maybe the fact that she was raped.” I growled at him. His face paled as I laughed lightly.

“Did you really think she's that big of an idiot?” Johnny asks him.

“What happened?” Mike asked me.

“It was after we had broken up, Jake was still sticking around and when he saw the opportunity he took it. Kat stayed quite until she found out she was pregnant. She came to Ronnie, Johnny and I for help. She was my best friend and I wasn't going to leave her alone. So we all left, she had her son and put him into temporary custody. The parents knew she would come back for him and she did.” I told them.

“What about my parents?” Mike asked.

“They wanted nothing to do with her, reason she got emancipated.” Johnny mumbled.

“They they know?” Bryan asked as I looked to Johnny.

“They didn't care.” Johnny mumbles as Bryan stands up.

“Crap, I need to find her.” He says before he walks out of the room. Mike and TJ follow after him.

“Tell them she'll be back.” I tell Robert as he nods. Robert had always been understanding and knew when he should of shouldn't interfere.

“See you guys soon.” I mumble as Johnny and I walk to the car. Our bags are in the back of the car with Sam's and Kat's. They both lay asleep as I sit in between the two Johnny driving. Kat snuggles into my side as I throw my jacket over her shaking shoulders. Sam has her head on my shoulder her body leaning against me as he legs point to the door.

“You ready to meet Kat's son?” I ask Johnny as he nods.

“I just hope he doesn't look to much like that bastard.” I mumble as he nods and starts up the car. A few hours later Kat wakes up her phone ringing from her pocket.

“Hello?” She mumbles sleepily.

“I'll be back Mike, just don't be surprised when I have a kid by my side.” She mumble as she hangs up and turns off her phone.

“How far away are we?” She asks us.

“Two hours, give or take.” I mumble as she nods. We stop at McDonald's half an hour later and order some food.

“Wait isn't Max listed as his father?” Sam asked us as we nodded.

“They wouldn't let him in the room until he lied about being the father. He had to sign the papers.” Kat mumbled as Sam rolls her eyes.

“So technically she's your second child?” Sam asks as she points at her stomach.

“What did I say about technicalities?” I ask her as she sighs.

“Exactly.” I mumble as I look towards Kat and Johnny.

“Did you tell them?” She asks me an eyebrow raised up slightly.

“They weren't to happy.” I tell her as she sighs.

“What's his name?” Samie asks Kat.

“Ayden, with a Y.” She tells him with a smile.

“Johnny picked it out so he got Joseph as a second name, for Ronnie.” I told her.

“And Green as a last name, my three favorite guys in one.” Kat says as I laugh.

“Let's see how he turns out.” I mumble.

“Oh shit.” Kat mumbles as we laugh.

“Ayden Joseph Green. It has a nice ring to it.” Johnathon mumbles.

“Ronnie's meeting us up in time so he could meet him.” I tell Kat.

“Is he bringing Willow?” She asks.

“Not sure, you know how stuff gets when couple's split.” I tell her.

“Ronald sure knows how to fuck up man.” Johnny mumbles.

“You learn to deal with it.” Kat says as we nod.

“We should get going, don't want to get to your place to late.” Kat says as she gets up. We throw away our stuff and get into the car, Kat drives while Johnny and Sam sleep in the back.

“You should sleep, you've been awake the whole trip.” Kat tells me.

“Knowing you you'll fall asleep with me so no.” I tell her as she smiles innocently. We get to the apartment in under an hour, due to the nonexistent traffic and Kat's need for speed. Johnny walks in sleepily and falls asleep on the couch. Kat covers his body with a blanket before pulling off his shoes, jacket and jeans. Don't know how he didn't wake up. Sam soon followed his actions as she fell asleep in our bed, well Kat's bed.

“You know where your room's at." She says with a smile as we walk up the stairs. Her house was just massive

“Night Max.” She says.

“Night Mini.” I mumble before I lay down next to Sam and fall asleep.


First time with Max's P.O.V, anywho sorry that it's short but i got lazy and ran out of ideas. Oh and uh Max and Sam broke up so  it's up to you guys if you want them to split in the story. So yeah vote and stuff and check out Edge and my shared story on HighUpHigh, Skinny Love!

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