Chapter Twenty: Blame The Condom Factory.

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Kat's P.O.V.

Chapter 20


“Fuck you Robert.” I mumbled under my breath.

“What you say Kat?” Robert asked as he turned to look at me an eyebrow raised.

“Fuck you.” I said slowly.

“When and where babe.” Robert said as I glared at him and threw a pillow at his head. The guys laughed as Robert ran towards me grabbed me by the waist and jumped into the pool pushing me down with him. I swam back up with a glare at him.

“I hate you.” I muttered as the guys laughed. Suddenly Gaby stared laughing as she looked at her phone.

“What?” I asked as she showed me a pic. It was the guys at The Roxy. The first show they did this year.

“I remember this.” Morgan muttered looking at the phone.

“Yeah, TJ didn't know how to play Situations and Max was there with me.” I mumbled.

“The guys brought him back up, it was pretty cool.” Morgan said with a smile.

“It was weird man, having him back.” Craig said.

“I bet it was.” I said with a small smile.

“TJ's here.” Mike said eying me before he got up and walked to the door.

“Can I invite Max?” I ask Bryan.

“Sure.” He mumbled before he flipped some burgers that him and Craig where making.

“Tell him to bring Samie.” Morgan said as Gaby nodded along.

“Samie?” Leila asked from where she sat on my lap.

“Yes, Samie.” I said rolling my eyes. Leila loved Samie, with Sam being her godmother and everything. I got up and walked towards my room walking by my brother and TJ.

“Where you going?” Mike asked me.

“I'm going to get my phone, see if Max and Samie would want to come around.” I told him before jogging up the stairs. I called him and he answered in the first few rings.

“Yes?” He answered as I rolled my eyes.

“You want to come over, we're at Bryan's house hanging around.” I told him.

“Is there a pool?” Samie asked in the back round letting me know I was on speaker.

“Yes.” I said smiling.

“Please!” Samie yelled in a begging matter.

“We'll be there in twenty.” Max said before the line went dead. I smiled as I ran down stairs

“Their coming.” I sang as I sat next to Gaby. Suddenly Craig jumped out of the pool and ran towards me.

“No! Craig stop.” I said as he tried to pull me towards the pool.

“Gaby.” I pleaded as she tried to hold me back.

“Gaby let her go.” Craig said smiling evilly.

“If you don't stop I'll hurt Gaby.” I lied threw my teeth.

“No you won't, you love Gaby.” Mike muttered as I glared at him. I was picked off the floor by Craig as his arms wrapped around my waist and he flung me out towards the pool. I rose with a glare as Robert got up and grabbed Morgan behind him from where they sat on the other side of the pool.

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