Chapter Thirty-Three: Chips and Pink Hair.

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Kat's P.O.V.
Chapter 33

I walked into the suite living room to see TJ sitting on the couch.

"Teej." I mumble though he doesn't respond.
"Hey TJ." I say louder though he stays quite looking deep in thought. I jump on to his lap causing him to look up shocked.
"What's wrong Teej?" I ask him as he shakes his head. I force his head to look up towards me and raise an eyebrow.
"What are you thinking about?" I ask him.
"About you and Austin." He tells me.
"What about us?" I ask him.
"You always look so happy with him. I'm just mad at myself for ruining that for you." He mumbles as he buries his head in my neck.
"Shit happens for a reason babe, we just don't know it yet." I mumble as I kiss his lips softly. He grabs the sides of my face and pulls me closer to him. He pulls my body closer, if possible, to his until a knock on the door interrupts us.
"Shit, the bus leaves in twenty." I mumble as I jump off his lap and run to the room section of the suite. I throw my clothes into the two cases. I hear a laugh behind me as I turn to glare at Craig.
"Leave it to you to pack at the last minute." He mumbles as I glare at him.
"Help me close this shit." I growl at him as he laughs. We try and close the case though fail miserably.
"Alright plan B." Craig mumbles before he sets me on top if the case.
"Move your legs." He commands as he closes the suitcase with a bit of a struggle. We high five each other until our eyes land on the second case.
"Fuck." We both mumble lowly before I sigh and jump onto the second case. Craig struggles to close the case as Robert all but runs into the room.
"Oh, nevermind." He mumbles as he walks away causing Craig to laugh.
"Perv!" I shout as I hear him laugh.
"Let's go." Craig mumbles as he grabs one suitcase. I throw my makeup bag and phone into my purse before following after him. TJ grabs my other suit case and grabs my hand as we walk to the elevator guiding the way. We all pile into the elevator, though it's kinda hard with two pregnant women, five band members, one Kat, one toddler (Leila) and a shit load of suit case's. I sit on some suit cases being careful not to fall while I hold Leila. The guys all huddle in a corner while Morgan and Gaby both stand casually. Fucking bitches.
"You okay over there Kat?" Bryan asked.
"Peachy." I mumble as he laughs. The door opens as I fall to the floor with a thud, Leila landing on top of me.
"You okay there Kat?" Andy asks as my eyes land on his. Ben picks Leila up off of me as Austin picks me up easily.
"Why don't we help with these bags?" Brent mumbles grabbing some suit cases. The guys pile out of the elevator and grab some bags. Omar and Robert throw all the bags into the bus as everyone gets ready for the five hour ride to the next stop.
"Kat you think you could deal with us for five hours?" David asks as I shake my head no.
"I could barely deal with these idiots." I tell him as I point towards the guys. Taylor and Bailey laughing loudly.
"I assure you, these guys are worse." Taylor tells me with a laugh before David laughs. I had toured with them for about four months last year, so I knew exactly how the guys where.
"Really?" He asks an eyebrow raised as she nods. He throws her over his shoulder and runs into the bus almost knocking Austin over.
"Bye Kat we'll see you at the pit stop." Bailey says before she runs to Andy.
"Come on Kat!" Morgan shouts from the bus.
"Bye Kat." Austin says before he guys me tightly and picks me up.
"Kat!" Mike yells loudly as I laugh.
"Bye Austin. I'll see you soon alright." I tell him. He nods with a smile.
"See you later Money." He says before I hug him quickly and run to the bus.
"Took you long enough." Mike mumbles. I smile innocently before I sit down next to Gaby.
"Less then three months until Peanut arrives." I remind her as she smiles.
"He should be here by Thanksgiving." She says with a smile.
"The twins won't be here till January." Robert tells us with a big smile. He's been smiling since he found out he's getting his baby boy.
"Max said he's getting his baby girl." I tell them as they smile.
"Bet you he's happy." Bryan mumbles as we laugh.
"He's heading out sometime next week." Morgan says as I nod.
"I can assure you all it'll be a drama filled week." I mumble as TJ raises an eyebrow.
"That never ends well." Mike whispers as the guys laugh.
"Like last time, that drama filled week ended with Kat in a hospital, Craig in jail and a drunk Robert one state over." Gaby mumbles while laughing. TJ laughs loudly as the guys smile.
"Don't remind me." Robert mumbles darkly as I laugh at him.
"Not my fault you hitchhiked to fucking New Mexico." I tell him as he glares at me and throws a pillow at me.
"So, what's Peanuts name?" I ask Gaby.
"Not saying, you have to wait till he gets here." Gaby days as I sigh and sit back.
"Yeah, I'm the godmother but I don't know his name." I mumble lowly.
"Oh, stop whining." Gaby data as I glare at her causing the guys to laugh.
"I'm hungry." Morgan whines as we all stare at her wide eyed.
"We just ate!" Mike shots at her. She points at her stomach.
"Morgs, we don't have another pit stop for another two hours." I remind her as she sighs and looks at Robert.
"Give me some chips." She demands as he sighs and walks to his cabinet. We all had a assigned cabinet with food. Morgan and Gaby had finished their stock and soon finished mine.
"You're so lucky your having my kids." Robert says as he throws a bag of chips her way. She smiles brightly as she rips the bag open, she hands some to Gaby before stuffing some in her mouth. I try grabbing some but am quickly stopped by her pale hand. I glare at her as she sighs.
"My roots are showing." She mumbles as she points to the three inches of blonde hair at the top of her hair. It looked out of place compared to her pink hair, unlike her Gaby had kept her hair natural leaving it black.
"They have hair dye made specially for pregnant women." I tell Morgan as she looks up at me shocked with a slight smile.
"I need that." She says with her mouth full of chips.


Sorry for the late update guys, still no internet. Anywho congrats to Craig! Gaby went in to labor so the baby should be here today our tomorrow! Whoop whoop.

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